I’ve had my eye on Kaitlin Bevis’s work for a while – I mean, a book with the title “Persephone”? you dangle that in front of me, I’m a goner.
So when Ms Ali Cat presented me with the opportunity to dive into it, I jumped as high as my little legs allowed me and screamed “yes, yes, yes” on repeat like a newly-proposed to woman in love (or not) would do.
A thousand times yes! Continue Reading
At 38.5 weeks gestation, my twins were estimated to weigh upward of 8 pounds each and baby boy wouldn’t keep his head down. So I had a c-section.
I have some ambivalence about missing out on labor, as if that painful birthing is the essence of motherhood. That’s hogwash, of course, as all adoptive mothers will say. But its one of the many idealizations we internalize about parenting, and which we can use to abuse ourselves about whether we are doing it right.
Motherhood (and fatherhood) is a messy, creative, profound, painful, joyous boundary exploding chaos, and the birthing is only one moment, crystalizing the beautiful blood bath that brings new life. Continue Reading
Imma lover of manimals that smell a chick and get growlerly start moaning, “Mine” like it’s a benediction and try stamping their seal of ownership on their female’s patootie with their lips. Who hasn’t had that happened to them? Really? You haven’t? Every dude I meet and date has a hairy back and likes to piss elsewhere than the toilet. I know they have to be shifters because ALL OTHER OPTIONS ARE UNTHINKABLE!
The Project is not cool. They are the big suck fest and they own anyone that has any potential amazekitteness and that includes Captain Jack Harper and his men and the one man he has that has a vagina, Nicole. Jack and his pack were conscripted to an involuntary Project Scientist Experiment with the result being that they now all need to have their mates clean after them with a pooper scooper. Everyone in Jack’s Pack thinks this is whack and they want their humanity back because being lycan is like smoking crack.
So Jack and his team end up in St. Mary’s Hospital, a care home that has been in Beth’s family for generations, her instinct tells her to touch the cray cray disemboweled soldier brought in to the super secret special military ward. The militaries there nearly amputate her for her silly almost-embrace of the dying man before sending her to her corner for time out for her poor behavior. Jack senses that the pretty human is a wolf mate and if they had touched he knows he would have ripped the arms off everyone nearby to mount the pretty clueless human who so badly wanted to pet what she has no idea of being a really big, military-made, dog-man. It’s so unsexy when I summarize it like that. Close your eyes and picture him looking like Wolverine with Iron Man’s attitude, all mussed up alá Chris Hemsworth but blood and innards showing. Then once you get that in your mind, smack some better CGI on it but go Jacob Black fighting Paul the Douchecanoe over Bella having a big dumb mouth and you get what I said the first time. Continue Reading
“Lieutenant Darcy Foster. Apart from the fact that he has a girls name, he’s not a half bad as a soldier.”
I think that Darce might be compensating for the girl’s name by being overly smexy. This guy made my me-OW in the first Project Rebellion novel with his rough edged unpredictability and snark. Darce isn’t the guy you want in your corner, cause you never want to corner this guy, the results would be anyone’s guess. He’s reliable in the way that you can rely on him to be loyal but not rely on him to react in defense of that loyalty the same way twice. That his mate is a Blood makes no sense to anyone but him… he gets it totally. Toni is exactly what he has dreamed of all his life. That life has been one that would cause any normal Joe to ask for instructions as to how Darcy made it through first grade. This man is a quandary and Toni Fielding is the woman to work this word problem out.
Toni and Darce have a very similar birth in the Project as subjects; both were created without their volunteering for their participation in the Project. Antonia Fielding she has been fed a line, hook and then the rod about what the other types of paranormals at the compound behave as and are capable. She has no idea that they are just like her for the most part and that they are subject to a really horrible end. She’s about to learn that. She’s about to learn lessons so heartbreakingly dear that she will come to know how deep she is in the Projects plans; how badly she’s betrayed her own. Continue Reading
I feel sad when I have to write a review that isn’t more positive. I’m very much a look at the good stuff type of person, not so much the lets talk about this book I have a laundry list of complaints about. If you follow my blog you will notice that my reviews tend to only be favorable, it’s not because I like everything, I just don’t post the books I don’t like very often. Or if I feel my review has a lot of constructive criticism I will toss it out there. This review is one I’m ripping the Band-Aid off with because this is a NetGalley novel and if I don’t do this review now I will sit on it forever because I won’t want to put out the sad vibes. But there is a butt ton of constructive criticism in here so I’m calling this review a healing dealing. London–I have love for ya, girl, this isn’t coming from a bad place, I am a rainbow and not a painbow. Continue Reading
Hot guys need apply here! Wait! That worked? And I’m talking seriously hot. S.E.R.I.O.U.S.L.Y. This guy is on FIRE! And he’s a little demony, but all the better. I have to tell you hot, dangerous, kinda on the edge of darkness and heavy on the tortured is my kinda man! Katlyn Conrad delivered him when I said, “Hot guys need apply here!” like she made him up or something! What are the chances?
Some of us are born with all of our Lego parts pre-pressed and others of us have to grow out or interlocking pieces. Samantha really lost the Lego Lottery; she is a Lego Shaman–I mean a Shifter Shaman. As a shaman she should have a certain aptitude with a particular shifter sect with which she could work her magic but Sam’s got the small stick of crap luck and instead of being rich with the power she got beat down by the hierarchy in the dog den where she once lived. The world of wolves wasn’t good to her and when she pieced herself together, and that was all that was left, she hit the road and has lived in hiding ever since. She is on the flight portion of fight or flight, if a shifter takes notice in her she takes off.
I rarely do something like this but more stories are being released as novella series or episodics and in a case like this it’s going to be a lot more easy for me to just look at it as a whole thing but piece by piece. Think of it as mini-reviews inside of a huge party for Clare Atling! Yay! Cake, martinis, hot men and sexy times! This is Penn Lake Wolves, Ladies and Gents!
Wait? Were there martinis? That might have just been me partying in my closet by myself. Continue Reading
Madeline Pryce has just released the cover of her upcoming Dark Series novel Dark Secrets. Dark Secrets is the second book in this series and continues the story of Ella and Micah and their hummidy-hummah hot and spicy love that is full of biting, snarking and lovely slapping and tickling. Dark Secrets will be released on July 11, 2014 from Ellora’s Cave. Continue Reading
I wrote more than half of this review before I realized it was for the wrong book. Meh, my hand is starting to ache and I’m getting tired. Thankfully I have JYJ to distract me. JaeJoong might only way 85lbs but he’s awesome to watch dance. I’m set… kinda, It is 3am and it is Sunday night/morning; I’ve been living the life Kafka described in the Metamorphosis the last six months–do you think I’m ready for anything at anytime these days?
Let me be sure I’m talking about the right book first… just because I lurved Crimson Sins doesn’t mean that every review I do should be about Bastian and Morgan. I will do their book next… especially since I wrote most of the review thinking I was writing this review. But lets get this one under my belt first… hrmmm… I’ve actually only been wearing pajamas for the last six months. Let’s get this one in my PJs. Sounds a little naughty but appropriate.
Sam and Trent are like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, Sam has actually been waiting years for Trent to put his chocolate in her peanut butter. Trent’s a little leary about mixing the two great tastes into one delicious bite because he fears that once he does he might never be able to crave any other brand of nutty butter ever again… Plus his father has warned him that sometimes peanut butter becomes an addiction; better to let his brother, Miah have Sam’s smooth sweet spread than let Trent fall for it. He’s struggled to accept that and fight the need to sink his chocolaty sinfulness in her hot melty peanut butter. Forbidden and unrequited love, how sweet, eh?
Maddie is one of my besties and while I will preface this review with one of those ridiculously trite, “I was given this book in exchange for a fair and truthful yadda yadda… cup of sugar, bowl of cherries and basket of kittens. I review books and I wouldn’t give anything other than my complete and honest opinion simply because I have an overinflated ego and enjoy hearing my own witty repartee. Kissing arse and dropping names only takes away from time I can be spending talking about how great the novel reflects on my personality, why would I do that?
So, please, allow me to drop the beat and mark the flow and I’ll catch this rhythm ’cause I’m a mistress of the words and measure, yo!
It’s midnight… I just totally busted a hip-hop line that MCA or Ad-rock would have wrote in the 80’s. I blame the fact that I’m on psych meds (which I messed with my own dosage tonight seeking a little body/mind detachment. I added an anti-inflammatory, Motrin and then an hour and half later Tylenol with Hydrocodone. I’m trying to not feel my fingers or back, it’s selectively working; I feel Jello-ey and mushy–but the hurty parts still hurt. Eff’in arthritis, I wish the person who thought this disease up gets a lifetime supply of stale bread.