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Feeling Peckish – Beyond by Chantal Fernando



“You shan’t judge a book by its cover”.
You hear that a lot – not necessarily in Bible-speech or in a way that makes use of archaic yet elegant “shan’t” – but this is a sentence that everybody has heard at least once in their life.
Wether it’s applied to people or to actual books, I’ve often found this to be very true.

Some books are like those carnivore plants in the jungle: beautiful to look at, lethal when you get near them.

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Book It

Book It – In News Today: Becca Vincenza Steals Attention with Reveal of Stolen’s Cover

This is a cover reveal I went seeking permission to become part of because I saw the reveal and licked my screen and wanted the cover on my own blog so I could say I had a corner on the sexy. The cover art was designed by author Airicka Phoenix, who ain’t just a purty face and gave this book a drool-worthy package by up-and-coming indie author, Becca Vincenza, a sexy package. Becca… baby, I’ve licked, stroked and chatted up your book cover. I think it’s love!

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Book Reviews

Feeling Peckish – The Panther’s Desire by Emerald Ice

Emerald-IceThis was a really good shifter book that I just happened to pick up for free on Amazon a while ago. I had actually been having a hard time downloading books from my cloud onto my phone and bought this one to see if it would work and didn’t really have any faith in getting much out of it but I was pretty surprised.

All that being said this book is smut. It’s a lot of doing the nasty and getting one another sweaty. I personally didn’t mind because I needed to have a smut dose, I was overdue. It’s a short read with a WTF cliffhanger and I enjoyed it for the hour of ‘Calgon, take me away’ that it gave me. Please don’t pick it up thinking that this is going to be some incredibly scientific based novel that is going to get Ms. Ice a Nobel Peace Prize in inter-species erotic relations. The award Emerald Ice would be more likely to receive for this piece of passionate push-in and pull-out is best creative use of facility equipment while makin’ the nasty. Continue Reading


Feeling Peckish – The Wager by Lily Maxton

cover51014-mediumI do love the incorrigible young ladies who fail good manners. A young chit who steals into a library to nick a naughty diary of a courtesan? I’m sold! Miss Anne Middleton is not only my sort of woman, she is what I would hope my own daughters would aspire to be–well, were they not cats. Bunny is quite old fashion, she however would be a prudent feline and a wallkitten, never would she dally with anyone, nor steal a raunchy text or exchange titillating messages with an Earl–she would be a homekitten and I would have her with me into my dotage.  Continue Reading

Book It, Interviews

He Said, She Said – Gabfest and Gossip: Tijan



Tijan’s giving the Tijanettes a long awaited treat all the sweeter than the kazillion sugary candy pieces she has been leaving a trail of through her sexy forest of moody stories and addictive characters. Mason is the prequel to the Fallen Crest novels and introduces us to the babe that steals Sam’s heart, and gives all of us Kade thirsty Tijanettes a look into the world through his pretty eyes. Mmmm. Mmmm. Mason. I’m pretty sure this novella is going to make panties dance and hearts moisten.


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Book Reviews

Feeling Peckish – Claiming Ecstasy by Madeline Pryce

ClaimingEcstasy_MSRMaddie is one of my besties and while I will preface this review with one of those ridiculously trite, “I was given this book in exchange for a fair and truthful yadda yadda… cup of sugar, bowl of cherries and basket of kittens. I review books and I wouldn’t give anything other than my complete and honest opinion simply because I have an overinflated ego and enjoy hearing my own witty repartee. Kissing arse and dropping names only takes away from time I can be spending talking about how great the novel reflects on my personality, why would I do that?

So, please, allow me to drop the beat and mark the flow and I’ll catch this rhythm ’cause I’m a mistress of the words and measure, yo!

It’s midnight… I just totally busted a hip-hop line that MCA or Ad-rock would have wrote in the 80’s. I blame the fact that I’m on psych meds (which I messed with my own dosage tonight seeking a little body/mind detachment. I added an anti-inflammatory, Motrin and then an hour and half later Tylenol with Hydrocodone. I’m trying to not feel my fingers or back, it’s selectively working; I feel Jello-ey and mushy–but the hurty parts still hurt. Eff’in arthritis, I wish the person who thought this disease up gets a lifetime supply of stale bread.

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Book Reviews

Feeling Peckish – Hellsong by Alexandra Christian

Hellsong - Alexandra ChristianHow many times do I have to say that the Crescent City is one of my sweet spots? I saw the synopsis for this book before I saw the cover and the catcher line for me was, “If she chooses right, she’ll find Heaven in the arms of an angel. If she chooses wrong, all Hell will be let loose on Earth.” –Now me, I was sort of like… why can’t the girl ever get lucky and find Heaven in the arms of the demon? But then I saw the book cover and thought to myself, “Well crap, if all angels looked like sin more girls would be staying away from bad boys.”

And trust me baby… this angel in Hellsong, he is all sorts of sinful.

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