Title: A Love Song for Rebels (Rivals #2) Author: Piper Lawson Genre: Contemporary Romance My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I told you last book–I told you!
I said to hold off calling Tyler a book boyfriend because he was still doing his certification courses, and this book is why. Welcome to A Love Song For Rebels, a place where Annie Jamieson and readers go to fall in love with a fully certified Book Boyfriend: Tyler Adams.
ALSFR is book two in a three-book series, so if you haven’t read book one, A Love Song for Liars, you shouldn’t be reading this review. Don’t pass go, don’t collect two-hundred dollars, do one-click book one, and start at the beginning.
A girl with the sight who knows not to tempt fae, a fae king cursed not to look like himself, an unachievable quest, and a fated love; Delia Castel has all the ingredients and whips up an excellent fantasy novel based on the Beauty and the Beast Fairy Tale.
Something you can be sure of is if there is trouble, there are fae. Neara keeps her head down because she can see the fiends, unlike the others of her village. Her father has instilled the importance of not bringing herself to their attention. She’s young and pretty, two things the fae like to collect and corrupt. So, over the years, he’s trained her into a warrior and taught her all the ways to fight the monsters.
Title: Valentine Pride: The Complete Series Author: Laura Greenwood & L.A. Boruff Genre: Paranormal, Shifter Romance My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This collection of novellas and extras are smile-worthy and steamy, with laugh-out-loud moments. If shifter tales are your cup of tea, this set is for you.
Cas, Levon, and Kerry together keep the Valentine Pride safe. The Pride is a gathering of shifters with Cas as their Alpha. Protecting and caring for their entire shifters is their purpose until Leola stumbles upon their territory and their cats go haywire–suddenly they only want their lovely mate and nothing more matters.
Tessa Dare is my ultimate book girlfriend. I met her once at an author and reader event and made a real dork of myself fangirling about her books as if she had never read them. I’m reasonably sure I didn’t have to supply the full name to my favorite hero of hers, Colin Sandhurst, but just in case. And now I have another book babe to gush and embarrass myself over should I ever reencounter Miss Dare, Mr. Gabriel Duke; the prickly industrialist who ruins the aristocracy just for the mighty pound sterling.
If you have encountered Tessa Dare in the past, you will know that she loves strong, sassy female characters who have keen minds and unique skills and talents. Penny is only a member of the ton the way a platypus is a duck, by some silly word association and familial rumor. Penny is far more likely to be seen with a platypus than she is in a ballroom.
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Neuroses. Vrinda Pendred has penned what is undoubtedly a controversial young adult narrative regarding a society built on its own mental unwellness. Welcome to Equilibria where your OCD is everyone’s primary concern.
Anna Nolon has many fears, but her most current are the empty chair next to her in Maths class and a chipped nail. While one of those is a quick fix, the other requires divine intervention for resolution, only what the Great Organiser delivers is a hot mess, in direct conflict with social norms. Anna isn’t sure if Aaron King is a hawk or a pig, but she wants to be a hawk with him.
Snow Frost is heir to the Winter Sector throne. Adopted daughter to the Queen of Mirrors, Vanessa, who is plotting against her and the kingdom, in a power move to end all power moves because bey-otches be bey-otches, yo!
This is my favorite X-Clan story so far. Ander Cain was a mean dope, IMO–he made me cry for an entire chapter. Elias is totally my WILF, and now Lexi C. Foss gave me another name to add to the WILF list in Sven Mickelson–who is getting his own book next in the series, Bariloche Sector. Swoon, I tell you. SWOON!
But Kazek Flor is my wolf, and he won’t be to everyone’s taste, but he’s tasty as all heckfire to me.
Winter’s Arrow is a retelling of Sleeping beauty omegaverse-style. Snow Frost is a Beta princess promised to the Alpha Enrique from the Bariloche Sector in an alliance mating devised by the Queen of Mirrors. Only Snow finds that there is something far sinister awaiting her on her wedding night. Feeling reckless, she gets a little mouthy with Alpha Kazek from the Norse Sector; instead of punishing her, he finds her tempting. And fate and Snow’s miscalculations land her at his feet when she attempts to escape. Only this is ain’t no fairytale.
Kazek is more smexy growl than bitter poisoned bite compared to Ander Cain, who was a bunch of emotional rocks (Sorry, Lexi C. Foss). Kaz’s brutal in many ways I can embrace, but Kaz lacks the prideful callousness that made me angry about a lot of what happened in Andorra Sector. I would say that Kaz is Ander done correctly (Sorry, Lexi C. Foss).
If I had to scour the book for a complaint, I would say that I wish the Snow’s/Winter’s Seven weren’t so similar. Overall they had little character development. They also had very little part in the story, and they were easy to confuse for one another other than Grum, who was part of the plot.
I loved Winter’s Arrow, and I can’t wait for Sven and Kari’s book!
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary advance copy of this book.
The Earl Not Taken is Pride and Prejudice on its head.
Rhys Draper, Earl of Marsden, has been harboring unrequited feelings for Poppy Arrington for years. The out-spoken wallflower is his sister’s dear friend, and despite his many attempts, she harbors nothing but contempt for him. The man believes that it’s her refusal that breeds his lust for her and that once she favors him, it will go away. But he’s suffering something far worse than pride, Rhys is head over heels for the unconventional miss, and there is no cure.
Well, this book gets an extra star for setting me off on a Pearl Jam binge that hasn’t ended in days.
This book is sexy looking.
This book is sexy reading.
This book is sexy inside and out.
I’m from San Diego, and this book is such a devilish homage that it tickles me to review it.
Dylan St. Clair grew up never having much of any value to anyone other than his twin Remy. That is until he grew into his pretty and sexy phase, and rich trophy wives and rebellious daughters found a purpose for him. It’s easy getting lost to demons when they are the only thing that looks back at you in the mirror, and no one recognizes you for who you are anyway. At least it was like that for Dylan until an eleven-year-old girl scared him straight while he was attempting to sneak into her sister’s bedroom window. Scarlet Woods saw a broken boy when everyone else saw a tool.
Ever walk into a conversation you’ve heard before but needed a reminder about the story to get caught up about the deets? The Secrets We Hide has perfect continuity; you should read The Lies We Tell right before it. I didn’t and had to go back and read the last two chapters of TLWT for the refresher.
Don’t be me.
Welcome back to the topsy-turvy underbelly world of Alstone, where money and power are the only real things of worth. The Four and Winter are still trying to uncover what happened to Winter’s father and the shady goings-on that lead Winter to the docks at the end of book one. Alstone Holdings does have a rat in the house. The saying goes, ‘where there is one; there are many.’ The Secrets We Hide has them coming out of the woodwork.
Schooled from the Travesty series is a favorite, so I’m a fan. I haven’t read outside the Travesty series, though, so I’m an ill-educated one. And this series, Rivals, is a spin-off from a previous one entitled Wicked–now you’re caught up.
There is nothing more fickle than a musician’s heart. They write love songs about everything from loving lovers to adoring jams and jellies, and at the end of the day, they have the flagrant disregard for tossing out hearts and empty jars without thought for the vessels. Annie knows this despite a rocker dad with a happily-ever-after. Musicians can’t be trusted, and the most untrustworthy is the owner of her heart and keeper of her secrets, ex-bestie and current-worstie, Tyler Adams. He tossed her aside, and she is determined to stay there.
But rockers and former besties, protectors, and kiss-stealers all have one thing in common: a wrap sheet for stringing Annie along and leaving her heartbroken.