
Book Boyfriend Report – Red Moon by Elizabeth Kelly

Red MoonYou know it’s between lunch and dinner and I’m feeling a little peckish. I don’t feel like having anything too sweet, nothing too beefy. No carbs. No fizzy sodas. I definitely don’t want something that is going to make me feel sleepy. Oh, I know the perfect yummy thing! Just the thing to melt on your tongue and fill your hands: Lycan Lord, Tristan Williams. He might fill you up, but it will feel so good while it’s happening and you will have no guilt afterward. =)

Elizabeth Kelly has introduced us to a post apocalyptic paranormal world where cruelty has given way to a culture of slavery and superstition has made people mean and brutal in Red Moon. Things are hairy scary! (That is pun-ny–there are wolves. Hairy. Get it? Wolves. Hairy? Really people? It was a damn good one). Avery Hendrin and her sister Maya have been in a slave facility since their mother sold them for the means to feed her habit (Her habit wasn’t damn good puns. You people have no idea how special you are to have me) a pretty sad drug addiction. When a very “Sexy-And-I-Know-It” Lord comes for women to care for his home and children, Avery encourages him to take her sister as a nanny, even though his daughter, Sophie is fascinated by her red hair and wants Avery for herself. Reds are believed to be witches and it’s supposed that they cast spells and enchantments to enspell and ensnare others. Avery who has lived with the fear and prejudiced knows the small girl’s preference won’t amount to much but if Avery can save her sister from slavery or abuse than she would do anything. But Lord Tristan surprises her and he takes both her and Maya. Sexy-And-He-Knows-It has purchased her, a Red. Many men do so for a night, but it looks to Avery like she will be able to stay with her sister, something she could have only wished for.

Sexy-And-He-Knows-It has just been reunited with his young daughter, Sophie and her infant brother–a child he is no relation to but makes Sophie happy. He would do anything to keep her that way, even buying the Red at the slave facility, although he will admit her beauty is undeniable. As he learns more and more about Avery he becomes more and more attracted to her. He’s not simple enough to believe he’s been put under a spell, he knows what he feels is animalistic desire. He can’t help but want her, and he means to have her. Listening to her fight him, arguing constantly about how the other women help will treat her is tiresome and he is the Lord, Avery is no one else’s concern. What he does with her, what he wants from her is no one’s business but his and her’s.

This wolf is freaking hot. Like a tamale. Like a wasabi. Like the good kimchi! Tristan is the three “P’s”: passionate, proprietary and protective. Avery has a magical little trick, she can heal by touch and when she needs to heal she needs to touch. Sexy-And-He-Knows-It is a wolf. He’s super duper strong and he has a lot to give. Those three “P’s” means he really loves to give Avery a little touch. Well, maybe a lot more touch than a “little” even. He loves her “supposedly” witchy red hair. He loves her sexy ways. He loves the way she keeps fighting no matter how bad things get and how she never gives up. And he loves touching that body that gives and receives succor and health. He loves loving her, Avery is his and his alone.

The Williams household is a very complex place. There are many hierarchies within it’s walls. Sexy-And-He-Knows-It is the head of the house and everyone is under his care but then Sophie’s happiness is held high over quite a lot. Tristan would do anything for his family. His mother is well respected and she has a great place of honor in the house. Maya, is at a high place among the help as the nanny and the love of Sexy-And-He-Knows-It’s best friend. And then there is the housekeeper, Mrs Lanning, who lords it over all the help and tortures Avery (And I really, really mean tortures. She’s a bitch). The only place Avery has any respectability is with Maya, Sexy-And-He-Knows-It, Marshall and Sophie. When Sexy-And-He-Knows-It finds out what is happening and just how Avery is treated, how she goes out of her way to ensure that his world is not complicated or impacted by any of her treatment, he goes monkey crap! Or I guess it’s wolf crap. He is one loyal dog and once he pees his circle around his girl he doesn’t like poachers, intruders or faeries near her. Especially no faeries. This dog hates those effin’ faeries something fierce!

As far as a Book Boyfriend goes Tristan Sexy-And-He-Knows-It Williams has a high success rate running down baddies, so he’s a Does It All Right Guy. He makes no bones that he wants her from the word go, so he’s an All In Guy. He’s not shy in the lover-ly section, so he’s most def’ in the game for Dirty Talker and a deep in Pure Sin Guy. Not so hot at taking “no” for an answer, so he’s a Pushes Too Hard Guy. I almost want to add a new Book Boyfriend category here for Three “P” Guy.

This is book is for you if you like The Warlord’s Secret by Lizzy Ford, and A Faery Story Series by Sophie Oak (it’s heavy erotica but the Paranormal Romance/Apocalyptic world is really good and it’s actually one of my favorite Paranormal Romance Series–get over the crazy faerie sex and enjoy the world).

Elizabeth Kelly’s Web Tracks: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon Author Page


Red Moon Rising Synopsis:

Red Moon Second Generation Series: Red Moon Rising

Bree has spent her entire life struggling to survive in the world built from the ashes of the Great War. Captured and forced into slavery by the Lycans, her worst fear comes true when she is chosen as the prey for their monthly hunt. She is released into the woods and the hunt begins.

Wounded and dying, Bree is rescued by a half-Lycan named James. Unique not only for his red hair but also his ability to heal, James is horrified to realize her wounds have been caused by his own kind.

Healed by James and taken in by his family, Bree slowly begins to realize that not all Lycans are cruel. Confused by her attraction to the Lycan who saved her life, she must learn to trust James and his family in order to save her enslaved brother.

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