Title: Thunder Road (The Witches of Wheeler Park #2) Author: Christine Pope Genre: Paranormal Romance Release Date:3 June 2020
A storm can cover her tracks…or lead the wolves straight to her door. With the help of his witch clan, Jake Wilcox is looking forward to a happy future with Addie Grant, the woman he’s falling for. There’s just one thing missing: Addie. Sometime in the night, she up and left. He can guess why — she’d sacrifice almost anything to avoid causing her newfound family any trouble. But the big question is, where did she go?
Addie dutifully went along with the Wilcox clan’s plan to protect her from Randall Lenz, the government operative bent on harnessing her weather magic for not-so-noble purposes. But in the back of her mind, a voice insists that as long as she stays in Arizona, the greater the danger to Jake and the Wilcox witch clan.
Heart breaking, Addie listens to her inner nomad and goes where the wind takes her — a place where no government, no witch, not even Jake can find her. But there are two factors working against her desire to remain hidden: her love for Jake…and the magic that, when danger flares like a wildfire, she has no choice but to unleash.
Where to even start, though!? I don’t even know!? I’m flabbergasted.
So book one was really to lull us into a sense of comfort and give us a sense of happiness so Lexi C. Foss could mentally screw with our heads in book two and leave us devastated and in need of therapy.
You shouldn’t be reading this if you haven’t read book uno, so shame on you if you spoil yourself. Book two begins immediately where one left off in Shade’s chambers, with Zeph and the guards showing up, and Aflora vowing vengeance on her mates. You should be all girl power at this point even if you have an inkling that this is a misunderstanding because women need to stick together against the patriarchal rule that is the Nacht Dynasty.
So much of Midnight Fae Academy Book Two is emotionally yo-yo-ing that I don’t have the words to write a review. This book is incredible, but my brain is fried.
He walked into school on his first day and owned it. I guess that’s what happens when you’re a prick, rich, and you’re best friends with the ruling school’s king. Also didn’t hurt he’s drop dead gorgeous. That’s all fine. I mean, I have nothing to do with them. I’m a loner, invisible, and that’s how I wanted it to be. I was even proud of it, until I wasn’t. Until I saw a girl kneel before him. Until I couldn’t look away. Until he caught me watching. His name is Blaise Devroe. My name is Aspen Monson. He only knew how to get, command, and demand attention. I knew how to do everything but that. And this is our story.
*Rich Prick is a full 100k standalone.
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About Tijan:
Tijan is a New York Times Bestselling author that writes suspenseful and unpredictable novels. Her characters are strong, intense, and gut-wrenchingly real with a little bit of sass on the side. Tijan began writing later in life and once she started, she was hooked. She’s written multi-bestsellers including the Carter Reed Series, the Fallen Crest Series, and the Broken and Screwed Series among others. She is currently writing a new YA series along with so many more from north Minnesota where she lives with a man she couldn’t be without and an English Cocker she adores.
Title: Be My Brayshaw (Brayshaw #4) Author: Meagan Brandy Genre: Romance Release Date:03 June 2020
“Cross one, cross all.”
That’s the Brayshaw way. She should have realized this before sliding into our world with secrets too big to bury. She didn’t and now the target is on her back. The day her lies came crashing down, I should have forced her out. Instead, I locked her in, and with the promise I would never be hers. I resisted, fought against us. I caved. I tasted what became my newfound favorite flavor and fell hard for the little liar. But then the depth of her treachery reveals itself, and with it a reminder. Our town is a twisted place, and with truth comes trouble. In the blink of an eye, my world is split at its core, and I’m faced with an impossible decision, one that leads to a single outcome…
Being a douche is an Awful Curse, and Bolton Cadoc is the King of the affliction, crowned royalty of the Douchedom. There are anti-heroes, and then there are just dudes you can’t like. I can’t like him. Thankfully the other characters make up for it, and his best friend, Nyx, is the kind of jerkface I would date. There is no accounting for my youthful choices in guys, though.
What happens when you keep burning bridges? Your dad keeps shipping you into more desperate places. The latest location Arianna’s father has sent her is Arcadia Prep. A place where she is surrounded by all the people she would never rub elbows with. Her roommate Luna is more motherly that she’s encountered in all her previous homes. And the guy she’s obsessed with loves to hate her–bad choices in guys is something she does have some experience with but this is a new low.
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel bruised after reading Company novels? I loved James Fenici and Harper Tate and devoured that trilogy, but no other Company book has made me that hungry. Maybe it was because those were my introduction and now I’m like nine books in and it’s all WRONG, DIRTY, BAD–and not in a good or sexy way.
Pretty Nightmare is book two in the Creeping Beautiful series. Indie Anna Accorsi is the pretty nightmare of Core McKay and Adam Boucher, and the eternal mystery of Donovan Couture. Book one was the formative years, and book two is a collection of snapshots and flashbacks of epic events and occasions of importance leading to our ultimate series of reveals. And this time there are some real zingers.
Title: A Love Song for Rebels (Rivals #2) Author: Piper Lawson Genre: Contemporary Romance My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I told you last book–I told you!
I said to hold off calling Tyler a book boyfriend because he was still doing his certification courses, and this book is why. Welcome to A Love Song For Rebels, a place where Annie Jamieson and readers go to fall in love with a fully certified Book Boyfriend: Tyler Adams.
ALSFR is book two in a three-book series, so if you haven’t read book one, A Love Song for Liars, you shouldn’t be reading this review. Don’t pass go, don’t collect two-hundred dollars, do one-click book one, and start at the beginning.
A girl with the sight who knows not to tempt fae, a fae king cursed not to look like himself, an unachievable quest, and a fated love; Delia Castel has all the ingredients and whips up an excellent fantasy novel based on the Beauty and the Beast Fairy Tale.
Something you can be sure of is if there is trouble, there are fae. Neara keeps her head down because she can see the fiends, unlike the others of her village. Her father has instilled the importance of not bringing herself to their attention. She’s young and pretty, two things the fae like to collect and corrupt. So, over the years, he’s trained her into a warrior and taught her all the ways to fight the monsters.