I’m really excited about this Tongue Wagger. I’m reviewing the first book by the first author in my Weekly Indie Word Slinger project. Nicole Banks debut novel Shattered
was first published in February 2013, the first book in the Shattered Hearts series. I sort of lucked out when I posted the call for indie authors on Goodreads and Nicole responded–I replied to her before I looked at her profile and was rather happy when I found I had had Shattered in my TBR shelf already. I think the stars aligned and we were fated all that stuff. Kismet. =)
Tongue Wagger – Almost Real by Charlotte Stein
This is another gift from my glorious benefactor at Ellora’s Cave the kind and generous Laura Garcia, who I scolded during the holidays when I received this book on Christmas Eve.
For a good long time I carried the belief that I did not like books about Christmas, aliens or cowboys. They were my big three ‘No’s’. Then I read Laurann Dohner’s Cyborg Seduction Series first book and I began to reconsider that thought. So I read a book about a cowboy, which wasn’t too bad. Christmas books still stimulate my gag reflex, but sometimes when you are rediscovering things about yourself… one of those things you learn is that you were right the first time. I requested this book because one of the new things I’ve learned about myself is not only do I like alien books–I really like sci-fi and futuristic novels. Almost Real
is an erotic romance that is loosely framed in a futuristic sci-fi shell.
Makin’ the Love Monday – The Reunion Lie by Lucy King
I was obviously a very naughty elf this last year. I spent the week of Christmas with a crippling migraine which landed me in the ER doped up on a ton of killer drugs and on an IV. About twenty-four hours later I developed the flu from hell, within a few days I was in the ER doped up on a crapload of drugs and getting a couple IV’s. Whose book did I review that I gave such a bad review that Santa pooped in my stocking? I’m telling you… if I find out one of you is preggers and this awful nausea and evacuation of all bodily fluids is sympathy draining, you had best name the little one after me–I don’t care if it is girl, boy or bowling ball, that little beast had best be named Ali. I haven’t eaten anything but toast in five days and I had to water down gatorade. Cry. Cry. Cry. I know I’ve whinged enough now because my keyboard is wet with my e-tears. I hope you all made your wish and got a happy kitten for the start of the year. D cut me off at four kittens but he let me have all the wishes I wanted, so I wished for a whole herd of ponies.
Any Day That Ends In YA – Fallen Crest Public by Tijan
I got this sent to my Kindle and was almost done with it before I went to sleep yesterday morning despite sporting a MEGA-MIGRAINE. I would have finished it sooner but I had to go to a neuro-clinic and then an urgent care to get an IV and a toast of narcotics to kill this vicious party beast in my head. A weeklong migraine is a little like having a truly spiteful in-law who won’t go home. I’d like to say, “Ta-da! Today I’m all better.” But, today I have a headache. Bugger!
Character Q&A – Katy Short and Liam Brogan, Life’s Sweet!
It’s been a few months since the world met World Race team, Reality TV sensations, Katy Short and her international rockstar partner, Liam Brogan. The two have become quite the romantic pair and since their visit to HouseGuests it’s been on the lips and minds of all–just how things are going between these two World Race winners.
Book Boyfriend Report – 30 Days To Syn by Charlotte Boyett-Compo
I have really come to love the day Laura drops new Ellora’s Cave books into my email. I generally pick one book to check out and this one, 30 days to Syn
by Charlotte Boyett-Compo was a really good one. It was not a whole lot like what I had anticipated it would be when I read the synopsis. From the description, I had thought it would be one of those medium warm alpha male books where the dynamic established a dark and passionate journey through a rather innocent woman’s fantasies in which at the end they both submit to their growing feelings. This was not that book; it was a compelling, funny, charming and touching novel full of sensual eroticism that played into two vulnerable character being brought together.
Weekend Pick Me Up – Hear No by Lizzy Ford
I won’t go into my normal Lizzy for President speech. If you aren’t going to vote for her by now that is too bad. I’ve been hard at work on my poop bomb gift bags for all those who fail me so we will just go forth with the knowledge that to the victors go the spoilers… and all the rest of you get a whole lot of poop in a bag.
I think I read this book in about three and half hours because I have an actual mental setting called, “Lizzy Land” and once I enter that setting nothing else registers. I’m not even sure if I blink or breathe. It might be a tantric or zen thing, all I know is once I reach Lizzyspace the real world drops away and for the length of the book I am inside the story. This one was an awesome one to witness, don’t be hatin’ but I saw a couple former angels and a kinda sexy lethal satanist. Eat your heart out. I know you’re jelly!
Heart & Seoul – Let’s Talk About You by M.I.B (Featuring Yoon Bo Mi from A Pink)
Kpop Hip-Hoppers M.I.B released their single Let’s Talk About You at the beginning of December, after postponing it from it’s original release date of early last month, November 2013. There has been two separate translations of this title from it’s Korean title 너부터 잘 해 (Feat. 윤보미 Of 에이핑크). Both ‘Worry About Yourself First’ and ‘Let’s Talk About You’ have both been tagged as names of this song on articles, lyrics and videos. The digital single is listed on iTunes as 너부터 잘 해 Let’s Talk About You (feat. 윤보미).
Tongue Wagger – No One’s Angel by Kelly Walker
I will preface this review with the statement that maybe if you are a gamer No One’s Angel
will be a more be a higher star book for you. As a gamer in reformation this book touched a lot of my feelies and I spent a lot of time going, “Oh, I totally get this! Been there, done that.” And also shaking my head and cringing because in the back of my head I could hear a very old internet catcheism about females–they are either fat, ugly or psycho. Not my words, but a general comment thrown around about girls who spent a great deal of time playing online games. I fell on the farside of psycho just for your information–Let’s promote stereotyping and assumptions. =P Of course I was reading this thinking Angel was in my category too.
Character Q&A – Chance Meeting With The Ever-Romantic Freytag Meier
I was recently in Vienna for a short few days when I ran into Frey while around some shops. I was surprised as could be because although he has always been a damn fine looking man, married life must really be doing something really good for him because he looked even more yummy than he did before Liese said, ‘I do’. I only had a few minutes to talk to him but I did get to check into everyone else from the Truly Madly Series. You check in too…