Valent is an archer for Clan McLeod, who’s grown up as an orphan, raised by an old man in a cottage in the forest. He’s a little stuffy if you asked me so I sent a proxy to translate questions for me. I am a little forward with blue hair, tattoos, sexual revolution–yeah I’m still going through that–I knew none of that would work with Valent who is from Medieval times. The only thing he and I have in common is that we both grew up in a place where it’s okay to pop a squat wherever you need to to relieve yourself; I’m real backwoods. I grew up rural–cray cray rural. Squeal like a pig!
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He Said, She Said – Fictional Friends: Will The Real Valentino Please Stand Up? Day 4
Vin Jackson is a man of few words, of course it doesn’t take a lot of words to get a good job done well and this job only had 14 Valentine Questions to whet your whistle. This is that sexy, slightly inaccessible guy who is a rock when you need him but rough around the edges. He’s hard to read and doesn’t give away much so don’t think this questionnaire is going to give you much insight so sorry babes, you’re going to have to read Undercovers to get a pulse on him. FBI Agents don’t go down easy, I did my best. Continue Reading
He Said, She Said – Fictional Friends: Will The Real Valentino Please Stand Up? Day 3
This is one Tino that has me completely intrigued. Excuse me, Mr. Boehner, but I might find myself all over your story, and I don’t have the time for reading right now so you are going to have arrange a jointly satisfying quickie with me, wiseguy. This happens when I get sassy mouth from devil-may-care characters who think they can put their lips where their good lovin’s is. Men! I tell you; you can’t shame them, they just try harder. Please, Valentino, be charming only during times that are economically convenient for me in the future.
Girls, this one is going to be trouble.
He Said, She Said – Fictional Friends: Will The Real Valentino Please Stand Up? Day 2
Kirsten Osbourne took the opportunity to answer this Valentine’s Questionnaire in a way that would best suit her Valentino! She put her man on the spot in a head to head with a sassy reporter who doesn’t let go until she gets all the dirt. Ms. Josie Smith did my job and better than me but Tino Hayes still got the last word!
He Said, She Said – Fictional Friends: Will The Real Valentino Please Stand Up? Day 1
Five authors have written one hero into five different romantic tales. For this next week you get an exclusive introduction to these male leads by seeing their five unique replies to one Valentine Questionnaire. Meet a cowboy, an FBI agent, A Highland Laird, a real estate developer and a vampire all by the name of Valentino.
I’ve read these replies. Some of these guy wouldn’t know romance if they had to spell the word with Alphabet Soup. Please heroines of these Valentino stories, kick these boys in their toys!