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Any Day That Ends In YA – Falling For The Ghost of You by Nicole Christie

Falling-forI picked this book up because it was in my Goodreads recommendations. I retain that fascination I’ve had since I was twelve for love affairs between Jane Doe and Famous Rocker/Actor/Model/PIRATE–And yes, whenever you encounter the word PIRATE, it must be spelled in all caps and said with a bit of a guttural growl and a look of grim constipation.

Most of the time books like Falling For the Ghost of You give me a few hours of happy. I get over it like all good things and I mellow back to that general, I might be bloating or it could be constipation feeling, then I read another book. This won’t be happening with this book. It was so hilarious that I was belly laughing so loud my husband thought I was emotionally unhinged and neck deep in psychotic hysterics. Continue Reading


Any Day That Ends in YA – Summon by Penelope Fletcher

summon-strokeLet me start this off with saying that I liked the original name of the books in this series and the branding. If you don’t know what I’m talking about the first book was once called Demon Girl instead of Glamour and had a beautiful alternate cover that I honestly felt was more inline with the story and just more appealing. It was just before Enchant was released that Penelope renamed and rebranded the books which at the time lead me on the road to Holy What The Hell? Nothing like being in the middle of a series and suddenly have it disappear and be looking for a third book which should be named Demon Dark only to constantly have the book Enchant come up in the search in it’s stead. Note to authors: This is a bad, bad, bad idea. Don’t do this. Save your need to change things around for feng shui-ing your home and re-organizing your underwear drawer. Rename your family members and pets. Do not play with your income, readership or me. I’m testy and over opinionated and not afraid to tell you that this is all 40 days and 40 nights a dumb ass move.

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Sunday Confession – I Judge Books By Their Covers; Mostly I Drool.

JudgementI am very shallow when it comes to books. I see a pretty face and I’m all over it. Don’t get me wrong I’ve dated many books that were great who weren’t the most handsome or beautiful on the outside but I’m sure no one can debate the fact that when you are shopping the eye-stoppers are the ones that get you to read their stats and get their digits over that of the nice book with the bland cover every time. Don’t try to act like you have more depth than the rest of us–you are just as guilty as I am when it comes to a book with some gloss and smart design. If it’s dressed up like someone took care with it and spent time getting it ready you can tell and you can’t help but look, even if you ARE happy with the book you are currently reading at the moment. Readers don’t mate for life with the books we meet so no one holds it against us when we slut ourselves around from book to book so don’t worry, peeps, no one is going to shame you for doing what comes natural. Look at those covers, baby!

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Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Tongue Wagger – The Wicked Wallflower by Maya Rodale

The-Wicked-WallflowerI have to mix it up at times and I just can’t stop myself from going from the modern bad boys to the historical bad boys. Most of the times I am deeply disappointed. I don’t understand why all the “reformed” rogues always come across as boys with a penchant for naughtiness rather than men with a taste for raunchy and dirty delights. I want my scandalous men to know how to cause a scandal… thank you, Ashbrooke. You tickle my tickleness and I enjoy your boldness. You truly do have a connivery that makes me very proud. Maya Rodale YOU have made me very proud.

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Sunday Confession – Thrifty Book Crawls & Kindles That Can’t Say ‘NO!’


I have a problem. I used to say I never wanted to be like my mom in her packrat ways and I fight it tooth and nail in the most obvious ways. Just hearing her say the word shop will put me in a panic where I will be tossing things into boxes and waste bags for donation or the big garbage dump in the sky. Clutter and chaos makes my skin crawl… then you look at my purchase history on Amazon and you see my mom’s influence. I am BOOK packrat. I just can’t see a book and that is on sale and let it go by. And for this week what I spent $11.95, I saved $6.78. I think I will put that transfer that to my savings account right now! MEOW.


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Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Makin’ The Love Monday – Devil’s Game by Joanna Wylde

Devil's-GameLoving the bad boy is one of my worst habits. Actually having bad habits is one my worst habits. Bad boys are my most joyous guilty pleasure. I won’t sit here and dismiss something I relish. I love them mean, dangerous and dominant. I like a man who can tell me no and mean it. Give me limits and treat me like the kitten I am and I am yours. My men, I like it when they growl and have committed most of the seven deadly sins.

Joanna Wylde seems to know my type because she created Liam Blake. I’m pretty sure he was born of all the good things in life: coffee, chocolate, sex and inari. Liam, I bought you on Amazon and you are mine FOREVER! (insert maniacal laughter here)

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Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Makin’ The Love Monday – Fall To You by Lexi Ryan

FallToYou Amazon GR SWMy apologies to Ms. Lexi Ryan… she and I are both tired of me being late but thankfully I’m just effing up on getting reviews done on time and it’s not like she and I are having a baby or anything. Don’t worry Lexi the blood work is showing that I’m not having a human baby so you can’t be my baby momma! Of course I can’t reassure the aliens the same thing, those dudes are going to be paying offspring support of yonks from the looks of it… a situation that seems about as screwed up as the one Lexi has set up, put forth and then made me WTF through in this second Here and Now book, Fall To You.
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Weekend Pick Me Up – Phenomenal X by Michelle A. Valentine

PhenomenalXMEEEE-ow, girls and boys. I have never had an experience like Anna Cortez has when she meets wrestling phenom Xavier Cold on a plane but I have sat by the person who spilled his drink on her so I must be building up frequent flyer karma to earn my own dirty talking bad boy mile high experience. Perhaps I’m not flying with the right airlines, is there a Hard-on Airways? I’ve been booking through Orbitz and I think they only deal with the regular carriers. Xavier Cold must only fly on the premier and obscure ones where you can rather rudely proposition chicks to get on your salami shuttle to the nearest hotel upon arrival. I read this book when it first came out in April and I’m still trying to figure out if I’m turned on by his naughty talk or if on the surface he’s a douche canoe.
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