Browse Category by Book It
Book It, Giveaways

Book It – In News Today: Zara Cox’s Ends Indigo Lounge Series, Soaring.


Zara Cox’s fourth and final Indigo Lounge novel, Soar, has been released and the Lounge is warming up with the return of Noah and Leia. Past meets present and all is shaken and stirred; two lovers have to find a way through their own mind fields and wage war with their own demons in the last chapter of Indigo Lounge Romance Series. Buy yours now because you want to know how this one will end!



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Book It, Giveaways

Book It – In News Today: Tijan Rewards Tijanettes With Carter Reed 2 Tidbit for 27K Like Facebook Pinnacle; I Reward Tijanettes With Carter Reed Giveaway!


On September 23, 2014 Tijan posted a challenge to her followers on her Facebook account, Tijan’s Books, that the reward for reaching 27,000 likes would be a teaser from the long awaited second Carter Reed novel. Carter Reed is the book which tells the gritty love story of Emma and the man she has always loved but has become a powerful figure in the crime world, Carter Reed. The book was the first adult novel Tijan wrote and continued her signature style while catapulting her out of the YA genre into the NA/Contemporary Adult Romance genre.



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Book It

Book It – In News Today: Becca Vincenza Steals Attention with Reveal of Stolen’s Cover

This is a cover reveal I went seeking permission to become part of because I saw the reveal and licked my screen and wanted the cover on my own blog so I could say I had a corner on the sexy. The cover art was designed by author Airicka Phoenix, who ain’t just a purty face and gave this book a drool-worthy package by up-and-coming indie author, Becca Vincenza, a sexy package. Becca… baby, I’ve licked, stroked and chatted up your book cover. I think it’s love!

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Book It, Uncategorized

Book It – In News Today: Addison Moore Reveals More Sweet Lovin’ with Rock Candy Kisses

Addison Moore has revealed the cover for the newest in her 3:AM Kisses Series. Tipping into the life of rocker Blake Daniels, lead singer of 12 Deadly Sins, Addison Moore offers a challenging story with Rock Candy Kisses, when she pairs up the songbird with deaf heroine, Annie Edwards. While I’m sure this love story will burn and flame, I hope it also answers the question of whether or not deaf girls hear a sound when a playboy’s heartbreaks when he does any of the normal self destructive crap that ruins an otherwise really good thing.

This book is due to be released in Spring of 2015!

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Book It, Uncategorized

Book It – In News Today: Tijan Posts Mason POV Teaser For Fans

 Book It - In News Today: Tijan Gives FALLEN FOURTH DOWN TEASER!

This morning, September 5th, Tijan released another peek of Fallen Fourth Down on her Facebook Author page, Tijan Books. The Fallen Crest Series is a Tijanette favorite and this book is long awaited. The release of Fallen Fourth Down is promised to be later this month and Tijan is just warming up her loving followers and loyal fans with these snippets to get them prepared for the real thing. Thanks, Tijan, your yummy samplings are making me hungry for the promised Fallen Crest New Release Celebratory Dinner! Continue Reading

Book It, Giveaways, Uncategorized

Book It – In News Today: Milly Taiden Gets Twice as Growly & Promises Double-Stuffed Goodness!

Upcoming-Release-BannerOH EM Gee! What time you got? I got sexy times! Milly “The Minx” Taiden is doing that thing again where she puts words out there for us to buy and then we lick our e-readers and rub our thighs together! Yes, Children of the Porn, it’s Milly Time. Twice the Growl is out and it’s time for you to put your money in Milly’s digital G-string, smack her ass and call her often… this Minx is definitely worth the repeat booty call, her books will make you scream, sing and curl your toes. These are the books your mother warned you about! Don’t you dare miss buying one of them! Continue Reading

Book It

Book It – In News Today: Tijan Gives FALLEN FOURTH DOWN TEASER!

On August 20th Tijan posted the following message and teaser to her Tijan Books Facebook account announcing that Fallen Fourth Down was in fact just around the corner and would be ready for release in September. This is the fourth Fallen Crest Series Episodic however Tijan has many “extras” she has released that were alternative versions or bonus versions. At the bottom of this post is a full list of all the books in the Fallen Crest Series!Blog-Separater2 Continue Reading

Book It

Book It – In News Today: L.A. Rose Bares Adrian Lessons’ Delicious Cover

Cover-RevealI’m very excited to help L.A. Rose do her very first cover reveal. This is her debut novel and if the teaser and the synopsis is any indication I am dying to read the book! I apologize to her for the lateness of the post because she came to me almost two weeks ago about this reveal and then, #surprisenotsurprise I got really freaking sick and in pain and couldn’t do shit again. Sorry, L.A.! This is it, better late than… well, better late, right?


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Book It, Uncategorized

Book It – In News Today: Tijan’s A Whole New Crowd Pre-Release Tease!

A-Whole-New-Crowd-BannerIn a few days Tijan will be releasing the first in her A Whole New Crowd series, a long awaited novel among Tijanettes, who have been seeing bits and pieces of the story through teasers and excerpts for a while now. The release, August 18, 2014, is a big deal because Tijan hasn’t even released the synopsis of her novel to her readers yet, which will be part of the release day blitz. This teaser that I am posting today is only a snippet of chapter one (posted in full along with chapter two) on her Facebook group in July. I am not posting the entire thing, you can go join the group for the goodies, but I will share a small part of the goodness with you because I want to warm you up for the release day and get your one-click finger all ready for it’s job! Enjoy, support Tijan, and please remember to BUY Indie Author books and not skim them from pirate sites because it’s expensive to publish your own works when you are the little guy!Blog-Separater2

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