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Book Reviews

Tongue Wagger – Dark Secrets by Madeline Pryce


Mmmm… Micah. You know if something’s good you make sure you keep going back for more. Micah is one of my favorite good things. I don’t know if there is an ‘enough’ point where he is concerned. I have a somethin’ somethin’ for Eli as well and if I could have a Micah and Eli bookend sammich with me as a gooey center I think that would be a moment in my fictional fantasy life that would need to be memorialized by some sort of mental photography. Sexual psychic 3-d imaging. MY GOD! Imagine if you could 3-d print your fav book boyfriend?! I would have a complete collection of Maddie Pryce’s Dark Series twig and berry cast!

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Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Tongue Wagger – The Wicked Wallflower by Maya Rodale

The-Wicked-WallflowerI have to mix it up at times and I just can’t stop myself from going from the modern bad boys to the historical bad boys. Most of the times I am deeply disappointed. I don’t understand why all the “reformed” rogues always come across as boys with a penchant for naughtiness rather than men with a taste for raunchy and dirty delights. I want my scandalous men to know how to cause a scandal… thank you, Ashbrooke. You tickle my tickleness and I enjoy your boldness. You truly do have a connivery that makes me very proud. Maya Rodale YOU have made me very proud.

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Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Makin’ The Love Monday – Devil’s Game by Joanna Wylde

Devil's-GameLoving the bad boy is one of my worst habits. Actually having bad habits is one my worst habits. Bad boys are my most joyous guilty pleasure. I won’t sit here and dismiss something I relish. I love them mean, dangerous and dominant. I like a man who can tell me no and mean it. Give me limits and treat me like the kitten I am and I am yours. My men, I like it when they growl and have committed most of the seven deadly sins.

Joanna Wylde seems to know my type because she created Liam Blake. I’m pretty sure he was born of all the good things in life: coffee, chocolate, sex and inari. Liam, I bought you on Amazon and you are mine FOREVER! (insert maniacal laughter here)

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Book Reviews

Book Boyfriend Report – Fate Book by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Fate-Book-255Sometimes free books should cost millions of dinero… I don’t know do dinero have a decent value? Perhaps I should say millions of pounds, because the English pound is very high in value and this book is AMAZEKITTENS! It should cost you the price of a small, gorgeous island where you can drink endless mai-tais and sun bathe naked without fear of skin cancer. All hail Mimi Jean Pamfiloff because she has just become Queen of the Universe’s Best Library and Literary Babe of the Year! Fate Book was the best cost-me-nothing book that I’ve bought in the last few months. I’m not exaggerating, despite my enthusiasm–it’s just my natural state to be overly dramatic.
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Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Makin’ The Love Monday – Fall To You by Lexi Ryan

FallToYou Amazon GR SWMy apologies to Ms. Lexi Ryan… she and I are both tired of me being late but thankfully I’m just effing up on getting reviews done on time and it’s not like she and I are having a baby or anything. Don’t worry Lexi the blood work is showing that I’m not having a human baby so you can’t be my baby momma! Of course I can’t reassure the aliens the same thing, those dudes are going to be paying offspring support of yonks from the looks of it… a situation that seems about as screwed up as the one Lexi has set up, put forth and then made me WTF through in this second Here and Now book, Fall To You.
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Book Reviews

Sin Bin – Play The Man by Jaymee Jacobs


It’s Day Three of the Substitute Book Reviewer, aka Melanie Ting, lover of all things hockey. Time for my indie author choice. Jaymee Jacobs has been a favourite writer of mine since the days we were both in an online writing group and giving it away for free. But we’ve gone pro since then. Jaymee is that irritatingly accomplished BFF everyone has. I convinced her to self-publish and now she’s produced three novels and gotten into a hockey romance anthology, while I’m still editing my second magnum opus. But I like her anyway. And besides, Jaymee has cats. Two cats, just like me. Supercats who help her write, because I’ve seen photos of them on the keyboard. As Ali would say, amazekittens!

Jaymee writes hockey romances as well, but I would characterize her books as thoughtful and hot. If that’s not a good combination, I don’t know what. It’s like that TA you had in English lit, with the dark hair, the tortoiseshell glasses, and the dry sense of humour, who made your panties melt right off when he read Yeats aloud. I’m speaking hypothetically here, and not about that embarrassing crush I had in third year.

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Book Reviews

Feeling Peckish – Lucky Silver by Clare Murray

Lucky Silver by Clare MurrayWhen I was growing up there were two TV shows that I had to watch or my life was completely–incomplete. They were both regional shows, because when I was growing up TVs were run by gerbils and you got receptions by bending wire coat hangers into bunny ears and attaching tin foil to them to try to improve the signal. I had to watch The Magic Garden with Paula and Carole; think folky Puff the Magic Dragon and Mr. Rogers but with the womens running the show, as it should be. The other one was a show called Hatchy Milatchy with Miss Judy. YouTubed a little bit of it a while back to reminisce and I think I’m safely on the side of, What the Ever-Loving Fudderluck? But I hold the memories dear because my Brownie and Girl Scout group went to the station and guest-starred each year.

Where the hell am I going with this trip down memory lane, because it seems like an entire pile of trivia that you would be served at the retirement home by the kooky lady that is kept in her room. The point I’m getting to is whimsy and magic has always fueled my blood; even when it was young and pale pink blood, it was scented with fairy perfume and unicorn poop. Just so you know, unicorn poop was expensive and everyone wanted it, and Jordache Jeans back then. Thankfully my tastes have grown more simple because these days Clare Murray’s books are like gypsy chocolates; I can’t eat just one and once I have a bite, the book and Clare own me like the time-travel loving bitch I am to her brilliance.

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Book Reviews

Tongue Wagger – Undaunted by Charity Parkerson

image001I have a weakness. Eye candy. I’m not ashamed and if you want I will sing it from the rooftops. Ali loves lickable, lovely, sexified, manly, yum yum bits! I had posted that I was looking for authors who had novels coming out in July or August who would allow me to banners of their novels to my carousel; Charity sent me an email. I looked at her book covers and despite the fact her book was coming out at the end of May I immediately tried to find a loophole to my own rule because the cover of her novels were so delicious and the synopses made me want to snack on them.

I haven’t been great about reading and reviewing in a long time because being in pain has left me flipping from book to book a bit like flipping through channels on the tv. I’m uncomfortable and I can’t seem to find comfort in novels for the first time in my life. Self-medicating through reading isn’t doing it’s job against chronic pain. But I read these two books and here we are with the sexy book cover addition of Tongue Wagger.
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Book Reviews, Giveaways

Makin’ The Love Monday – Wicked Magic by Madeline Pryce

Wicked Magic by Madeline PryceI wrote more than half of this review before I realized it was for the wrong book. Meh, my hand is starting to ache and I’m getting tired. Thankfully I have JYJ to distract me. JaeJoong might only way 85lbs but he’s awesome to watch dance. I’m set… kinda, It is 3am and it is Sunday night/morning; I’ve been living the life Kafka described in the Metamorphosis the last six months–do you think I’m ready for anything at anytime these days?

Let me be sure I’m talking about the right book first… just because I lurved Crimson Sins doesn’t mean that every review I do should be about Bastian and Morgan. I will do their book next… especially since I wrote most of the review thinking I was writing this review. But lets get this one under my belt first… hrmmm… I’ve actually only been wearing pajamas for the last six months. Let’s get this one in my PJs. Sounds a little naughty but appropriate.

Sam and Trent are like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, Sam has actually been waiting years for Trent to put his chocolate in her peanut butter. Trent’s a little leary about mixing the two great tastes into one delicious bite because he fears that once he does he might never be able to crave any other brand of nutty butter ever again… Plus his father has warned him that sometimes peanut butter becomes an addiction; better to let his brother, Miah have Sam’s smooth sweet spread than let Trent fall for it. He’s struggled to accept that and fight the need to sink his chocolaty sinfulness in her hot melty peanut butter. Forbidden and unrequited love, how sweet, eh?

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Book Reviews, Interviews

Tongue Wagger – Erotic Images by Missy Jane

eroticimagesDo you ever read a book and get a happy about it because it’s within one of your fields of expertise or interests? I have certain books that are MUST READS for me. I never pass up a book about tattooed bad boys. It’s actually become an issue where I buy so many I will likely NEVER read them. I always buy books from authors from Northeastern Pennsylvania because it’s a shout out to my home region. Love New Orleans, so I pick up all the books with that as the locale. Asian heros… rare but totally induces Amazon binges. Medieval Christian Art or Latin slant because my Bachelor’s of Arts double major was Art History of Medieval Christian Times, and Roman Civilization and Western Studies.

Lastly! Photography. I have an Associate’s Degree in Fine Arts Photography. Fine Arts Photography means that I play around with alternative processing, mediums, filters, films and lens. I did some mixed media and did rather well winning in art shows and had a few private shows of my own. There is nothing I miss more than the smell of the darkroom. So self-medicating with romances with photographers works quite well. — I’ve never taken naked pictures of strangers, but I have paid stray kitties in tuna for some impromptu nature shots.

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