Title: Queen Sector (Zombie Year 2099 Collection)
Author: Lucy Auburn
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Reverse Harem
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Let’s get the bad out of the way.
Queen Sector is my least favorite Zombie Year 2099 story.
Zombie Manhattan is the domain of a necromancer king who is a real prize (that is sarcasm). King Ulric has been building a zombie army by infecting the humans in this future view of NYC. And the only real threat to the King is the Fireflies: a group of rebel witches looking to free the island of His Necrohole reign.
A little bit of Reverse Harem saves this from being something I would put down and not bother picking up until I was out of anything else to read.
Mia and the Fireflies are planning a coup. The witches are going in to assassinate the King. The King has three necromancer sons though who rumor is, have the potential to be just as bad as their dead-raising-dad. To Mia’s misfortune, a new supernatural power reveals itself at the worst time, and now, she is unprepared to become the Queen of Zombie World 2099 despite the royal treatment she is getting while imprisoned.
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