Time for part 2 of my 4 part, ‘Getting to Know You Questionnaire’ with the Fallen Crest Three or Fallen Four Three… or maybe I should just stick with calling them Sam, Mason and Logan. Today is Sam’s Four Threes Portion! This is four questions with three answers. I gave the same questions to all three of them and of course what I got back was not enough to diagram a sentence, but thanks to my handy dandy email attachment bug that allowed me to access their webcam and see and hear their conversation, I got to hear the three of them discuss their answers! #SQUEEE!
This is Sam’s and I have to admit that she is more girly girl on the inside when she was divulging her real answers with Logan and Mason than the word association answers she replied to me in email. I already said in the first post how disappointed I was about this… I’ve given it thought and she just doesn’t KNOW me yet and this is the perfect time for her to see she can trust me with her heart! I am showing her with this post that she can BE HERSELF in a safe place with me and I will ALWAYS have her back! Sam, me and you, sister of my heart! You and me, Besties! #BFFS4EVAH
I sent a “Getting to Know You Questionnaire” email to Sam, Mason and Logan because I’m one of those email friends that sends memes, chains and quizzes to everyone in my address book. You would know that if you would just accept my friend request on Facebook already because I sent it, like freaking weeks ago. I sent you five private messages because I think the first couple went to your “I don’t know who-the-eff-you-are-folder” and I asked our mutual friends to remind you to confirm my friend request. I dunno, I guess you could just be away on vacation and not checking notifications. I can’t tell though because you keep all your wall messages private…
ANYWAY, when I sent this the Fallen Fourth Three, I didn’t get a response right away, which was really disappointing and it hurt my feelings. I sat by my email and waited, refreshing my email every 30 seconds for about 5 hours before Sam sent back her reply and it was all one word answers. That really hurt. I’m a total fan and I know that those three are all really tight lipped and all but, I really thought that Sam would treat me better than to make me wait on the answers for that long and then give me the equivalent of fill in the blank. =(
THANK GOD, I spent that $1500 on that email trojan horse bug from that kid in China that allows me to flip on the webcam of those who open my attachments remotely. I got to actually see and hear the Fallen Fourth trio as they answered my questions amongst themselves! It pays to be up to date on webtech! So this ISN’T what Sam emailed me… this is what I got through watching those three on my videostream! I swear I will not ABUSE this set-up… I might just watch Logan when he is enjoying himself doing hand exercises or getting out of the shower. Don’t EVEN ask me for pics, I don’t believe in illegal dissemination of personal photos or information. People who do that on the internet are totally DUMB!
There are four parts to this interview: One is joint interview with all of them with a few questions and then I asked Sam, Mason and Logan the same four questions and you will see those in three different parts! Isn’t this totally exciting! This must be how that dude felt when he caught Kristen Stewart cheating on RPattz! I’m like bringing you the dirt on the Fallen Crest Three candid-like! Continue Reading
On September 23, 2014 Tijan posted a challenge to her followers on her Facebook account, Tijan’s Books, that the reward for reaching 27,000 likes would be a teaser from the long awaited second Carter Reed novel. Carter Reed is the book which tells the gritty love story of Emma and the man she has always loved but has become a powerful figure in the crime world, Carter Reed. The book was the first adult novel Tijan wrote and continued her signature style while catapulting her out of the YA genre into the NA/Contemporary Adult Romance genre.
Addison Moore has revealed the cover for the newest in her 3:AM Kisses Series. Tipping into the life of rocker Blake Daniels, lead singer of 12 Deadly Sins, Addison Moore offers a challenging story with Rock Candy Kisses, when she pairs up the songbird with deaf heroine, Annie Edwards. While I’m sure this love story will burn and flame, I hope it also answers the question of whether or not deaf girls hear a sound when a playboy’s heartbreaks when he does any of the normal self destructive crap that ruins an otherwise really good thing.
This book is due to be released in Spring of 2015!
This morning, September 5th, Tijan released another peek of Fallen Fourth Down on her Facebook Author page, Tijan Books. The Fallen Crest Series is a Tijanette favorite and this book is long awaited. The release of Fallen Fourth Down is promised to be later this month and Tijan is just warming up her loving followers and loyal fans with these snippets to get them prepared for the real thing. Thanks, Tijan, your yummy samplings are making me hungry for the promised Fallen Crest New Release Celebratory Dinner! Continue Reading
On August 20th Tijan posted the following message and teaser to her Tijan Books Facebook account announcing that Fallen Fourth Down was in fact just around the corner and would be ready for release in September. This is the fourth Fallen Crest Series Episodic however Tijan has many “extras” she has released that were alternative versions or bonus versions. At the bottom of this post is a full list of all the books in the Fallen Crest Series!Continue Reading
I’m very excited to help L.A. Rose do her very first cover reveal. This is her debut novel and if the teaser and the synopsis is any indication I am dying to read the book! I apologize to her for the lateness of the post because she came to me almost two weeks ago about this reveal and then, #surprisenotsurprise I got really freaking sick and in pain and couldn’t do shit again. Sorry, L.A.! This is it, better late than… well, better late, right?
I am more than willing to admit that I am a big effing fangirl when it comes to Airicka Phoenix books. I love them like sharks love chum and I act a little frenzied when I get a taste too. When I read Octavian’s Undoing I was in a hotel in Anaheim, CA while my husband was enjoying Blizz-con. I was so gone on Octavian that he gave me a sore back. Well only because the electric socket in the room was faulty and I had to perch awkward-like on the chair to keep my e-reader plugged in. I forgive him for my discomfort and pain. Riley was the better woman between the pair of us my sore body and yearning heart understood his choice. Where is this rambling going?… I couldn’t wait for the next book and I no longer have to wish on falling stars. Gideon’s story is to come soon! Airicka has revealed the cover of his book and announced that he will be arriving to tell me his story in September. Fear not, there are still a couple more Maxwells.
The long awaited third installment of A. Meredith Walters’ Bad Rep Trilogy, Seductive Chaos, will be released early this summer and she has just revealed the cover of the novel that will tell the topsy turvy love story of Cole Brandt and Vivian Baily. You will know Cole to be the lead singer from Generation Rejects, the local band that plays at nearby college bars and has been able to claim members Jordan Levitt and Garrett Bellows from the previous books, Bad Rep and Perfect Regret. Personally, I think the band is misnamed and should have been called Masturbation Objects.
Lost in Me is the first book in the Here and Now series, a spin-off of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling New Hope series. This sexy amnesia love triangle is intended for mature readers.