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Makin’ The Love Monday – First Bite by London Bleau

First-Bite-StrokeI feel sad when I have to write a review that isn’t more positive. I’m very much a look at the good stuff type of person, not so much the lets talk about this book I have a laundry list of complaints about. If you follow my blog you will notice that my reviews tend to only be favorable, it’s not because I like everything, I just don’t post the books I don’t like very often. Or if I feel my review has a lot of constructive criticism I will toss it out there. This review is one I’m ripping the Band-Aid off with because this is a NetGalley novel and if I don’t do this review now I will sit on it forever because I won’t want to put out the sad vibes. But there is a butt ton of constructive criticism in here so I’m calling this review a healing dealing. London–I have love for ya, girl, this isn’t coming from a bad place, I am a rainbow and not a painbow. Continue Reading