Title: Death Wish (Reaper Reborn #1)
Author: Harper A. Brooks
Genre: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Jade Blackwell is a reaper with an attitude and a problem with the job description. She knows what she is supposed to do, but has so much empathy for her reap-ees that she finds it hard to take their lives and escort them to the afterlife. Upper management isn’t too happy with her.
Death Wish is Charlene Harris meets Dannika Dark. I kept thinking of Dannika Dark’s Raven Black from Cross Breeds series in a Charlene Harris-type world. It works because this marriage creates two worlds in one where some humans luck out and know the horrible truth while most of the back story happens in a supernatural world that is begging for policing by a strong soul. Jade is just a hapless reaper, but she’s the only applicant at the moment.
The cast of characters is excellent. I love Kay. She’s my favorite. Cole, Sean, and Wyatt are okay, but you know men always get in the way of good storytelling =P.
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