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Book Reviews

Tongue Wagger – Penn Lake Wolves Series by Clare Atling

I rarely do something like this but more stories are being released as novella series or episodics and in a case like this it’s going to be a lot more easy for me to just look at it as a whole thing but piece by piece. Think of it as mini-reviews inside of a huge party for Clare Atling! Yay! Cake, martinis, hot men and sexy times! This is Penn Lake Wolves, Ladies and Gents!

First-Beginnings-strokeWait? Were there martinis? That might have just been me partying in my closet by myself. Continue Reading

Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Weekend Pick Me Up – Twice the Growl by Milly Taiden

Twice The Growl by Milly TaidenWhat’s the one thing you can enjoy only by yourself and is better than chocolate?

This isn’t a trick question. There is only one thing better than chocolate that is a one rider per vehicle experience and that is Milly pRon-a-ture . I just made up that term, let’s see if we can get it in the next Oxford Dictionary edition.

Defintion: pRon-a-ture: writing which contains erotic themes or messages that surpasses those hot sexy times that can be found in most normal or common erotic novels.

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Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Makin’ The Love Monday – Heavy Issues by Elle Aycart


Excuse me. I hate it when I understate things, let me try to properly express my happiness with this book. Purrrrrrrr, RAWWWWWWWR!

I read More Than Meets The Ink last summer and I only vaguely remembered it when I started to read this book. I quickly didn’t care if I did or didn’t read the first novel because only a few pages into Heavy Issues I found the sizzle level to be stellar. I no longer cared if I had senile dementia and if James and Tate had had a book, a TV show or a movie. Cole and Christy soon became all that I could handle. Talk about Alpha male? Yes, please! Let’s talk about Cole. I think I may have humped my pillow he was so freaking yummily, naughty, dirty talking, dirty thinking, dirty. I like dirty. The kind of dirty, no shower can ever get clean is the best sort of DIRTY. And Cole is so badly dirty, down to his moleculars dirty, that I would like to start a Cole Bowen Cloning Facility Fund on Kickstarter because there are a good amount of us that need him and the rest of you need to donate or GTFO! I don’t think he could be any freaking hotter without burning away the sun itself. Continue Reading

Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Tongue Wagger – Lone Wolfe Protector by Kaylie Newell

Tongue Wagger - Lone Wolfe Protector by Kaylie NewellWelcome to Wolfe Creek. My name is Ara. I live in Wolfe Creek. I am known as Aunt A. There is a story behind that. There are many stories in Wolfe Creek — some of them are sad, some funny. Some of them are stories of madness, of violence. Some are ordinary. Yet they all have about them a sense of mystery — the mystery of life. Sometimes, the mystery of death. The mystery of the woods. The woods surrounding Wolfe Creek. To introduce this story, let me just say it encompasses the All — it is beyond the “Fire”, though few would know that meaning. It is a story of many, but begins with one — and I knew someone who knew her. The one leading to the many is Aimee Styles. Aimee is the one.

Okay so I stole and adapted that from Twin Peaks but that is exactly the feel I had reading Kaylie Newell’s Lone Wolfe Protector. It took me back to the days when I first began watching Twin Peaks. The entire small slightly creepy things going bump in the night. The cast of characters that come and go, leaving you constantly wondering who is and who isn’t suspicious–making everyone suspicious. And the entire where in the Biebers is Aimee Styles?! If this isn’t a mystery for Dale Cooper there never has been one. ~ Sorry Koda Wolfe, but Agent Cooper and I share an appreciation for coffee and cherry pie. That trumps the strong, silent, protective deputy type.  Continue Reading

Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Any Day That Ends in YA – Bully by Penelope Douglas

Any Day That Ends in YA - Bully by Penelope DouglasGeez, things are really complicated for Jared and Tate. Things are always complicated and intense when you are between the ages of ‘I’m in hormone hell’ and ‘Crap, I think I’m dying’. But things are really hard between these two, because they are a big hot mess of hormones, ‘I’m dying’, my-peanut-butter-hates-your-chocolate, he ripped the head off my voodoo doll, no one can hate her as much as I hate her, no one can have her–but I don’t want her, he’s not there if I don’t look at him, AND NO ONE CAN EVER LOVE HIM/HER MORE THAN I HAVE SINCE WE FIRST MET. It’s like the Magic 8 Ball as a relationship.

Does it sound like a cluster-eff of angst, drama, loathing, self destruction, and trauma? Dude… it really is a cluster-eff of angst, drama, loathing, self destruction, and trauma and worth every freaking moment! Every. Freaking. Moment.  Continue Reading

Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Tongue Wagger – Swan Prince by Erin Lark

The-Swan-Prince-StrokeFoolish me, I didn’t read the synopsis of this book and requested it from Entangled based solely because I liked the cover. It’s a very nice cover, I think you will admit that the pretty is a high quality pretty. As you could imagine, or perhaps, not at all, I was surprised as hell to find out it was a m/m romance. I seem to have missed the dude on the horse while looking at the hot muscle-y-ish dude in the moonlight–blow me over with a feather! Yeah, I had to go with the pun. So it took me a couple days to come off my previous conceptions to get into this book… and there was also this thing where I don’t find swans, ducks, gooses or chickens sexy. I almost had to call foul on this lovestory. I totally laughed aloud at that one! It was good. It was a really good one! I know you chuckled. Damn you! Admit it! Continue Reading

Book Reviews

Feeling Peckish – The Panther’s Desire by Emerald Ice

Emerald-IceThis was a really good shifter book that I just happened to pick up for free on Amazon a while ago. I had actually been having a hard time downloading books from my cloud onto my phone and bought this one to see if it would work and didn’t really have any faith in getting much out of it but I was pretty surprised.

All that being said this book is smut. It’s a lot of doing the nasty and getting one another sweaty. I personally didn’t mind because I needed to have a smut dose, I was overdue. It’s a short read with a WTF cliffhanger and I enjoyed it for the hour of ‘Calgon, take me away’ that it gave me. Please don’t pick it up thinking that this is going to be some incredibly scientific based novel that is going to get Ms. Ice a Nobel Peace Prize in inter-species erotic relations. The award Emerald Ice would be more likely to receive for this piece of passionate push-in and pull-out is best creative use of facility equipment while makin’ the nasty. Continue Reading

Book Reviews

Tongue Wagger – Beautifully Damaged by L.A. Fiore

BeautifullyThis book is great. But there are so many twists and turns and Dynasty moments that I sometimes wondered if Blake Carrington was going to come out at some point and suddenly Alexis would do away with Krystle and Trace would be Krystle’s brother and leave Ember for the Oil world.

This is a very deep and dark book. There were a slew of characters and the further into the story you go the more and more you find out just how they are all connected, and how totally effed up they all are–and they are all effed up. Trace is a very broken character and so many times in this book I feel like telling Ember, “Run, girl. Run away, far, far away. That is all kinds of that sort of boy who will kill you when he thinks for a second you may leave him and he will keep you in his freezer to keep you close by afterwards.” But then at the same time she would stalk him and I would shake my head and wonder ask Bunny, “Why is it he is happy she is stalking him? What is wrong with these people? Co-dependency is not a happy place, unless it’s you and me, right, Meow, Meow?” She agreed. Continue Reading

Book Reviews

Tongue Wagger – One Night of Sin by Elle Kennedy

Tongue Wagger - One Night of Sin by Elle KennedyI have a thing about censoring myself–I don’t do it. I feel like it’s a self shaming and I should allow my inner dork out and allow it to go crazy. I made the “frame” for this yesterday and The first thing that came to when I sat down to write this review was, I’m bringing sexy back. Well, I didn’t really think that was where this was where it would go when I read the book but it’s a damn good theme for this book by Elle Kennedy. Continue Reading

Book Reviews

Makin’ The Love Monday – Under Fire by Denise Agnew

Under-Fire-StrokeI like authors that think outside of the sack. It’s so typical to do a series where there are a bunch of friends: Chandler, Joey, Ross, and they know these girls: Monica, Phoebe and Rachel, add romance and drama, toil and trouble… You have your players and only ONE dramatic, meaninglessly, meaningful thing can happen at a time. Reality doesn’t happen that way, but apparently fiction generally can’t multi-task. Romance series do one of two things that burn my panties: people fall in love in quick succession like they are domino pairings or for some reason unknown to me, incest via association begins to happen and everyone who enters the circle of friends is quickly paired off to someone just waiting to prove they will never fall in love; Method Story Writing 101.

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