Ali: Raylene I love your blog and the gallery element is fantastic. Tell me a little about Booknook Reviews.
Raylene: Thank you, Ali. That means a lot!
Booknook Reviews features reviews on some of the sexiest books found in the romance genre. My aim is to unite bookworms while supporting new a d established authors.
Ali: Bloggers have such a difficult job managing and gathering content. What do you most love to post on your blog?
Raylene: I love posting trigger warnings so I can give other readers a heads up.
Ali: My guy suggested earlier that I am in book blogging because I’m a shameless hussy for free books. What inspired you to have a review blog?
1) It was the draw of free books for me too. Hands down. Netgalley’s support articles suggested having a blog as a means to receive free books.
2) I needed something that was just mine. Not my husband’s or my son’s or my employer’s. Just mine.
Ali: What is your favorite book and why is it your favorite?
Raylene: Twilight by Stephenie Meyers as it was the first book I read (in a decade) that I couldn’t put down.
Ali: The last book you read?
Raylene: A Montana Daddies Christmas by Laylah Roberts
Ali: And the book highest on your TBR pile?
Raylene: Gabe and Ian by Lane Hart and DB West
Ali: Live large; who or what would be your ultimate Booknook Review goal?
Raylene: I would love to be paid to read and review smutty (and sexual abuse free) books.

About Raylene:

Raylene is a Canadian wife, mother and blogger. She enjoys short to medium walks on the beach, Twilight (Team Edward all the way), cats and love. She reviews stories in the romance genre…the sexier the better.
Connect with Raylene:
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