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Book It: Renee Collins Reveals Cover for Until We Meet Again


Sourcebooks will be releasing Renee Collins new epic romance novel Until We Meet Again in November this year. The romantic love story that spans two lifetimes, and soul mates finding one another not once but twice, sounds fantastic and I can’t wait to read it. I have high hopes that I might be able to get an ARC and review it ahead of time because November is just too far away!


Until We Meet AgainUntil We Meet Again Synopsis:

They exist in two different centuries, but their love defies time.

Cassandra is a headstrong teenager craving drama and adventure, so the last thing she wants is to spend her summer marooned with her mother and new stepfather in a snooty Massachusetts shore town. But when a dreamy stranger named Lawrence shows up on their private beach claiming it’s his own—and that the year is 1925—she is swept into a mystery a hundred years in the making.

As she searches for answers in the present, Cassandra discovers a truth that puts their growing love—and Lawrence’s life—in jeopardy. Desperate to save him, Cassandra must find a way to change history—or risk losing Lawrence forever.


Preorder Until We Meet Again:



Renee Colins Books:


Meet Renee Collins:

Renee Collins grew up on a beach in Hawaii. Sadly, she never met anyone from the past on those shores, but she did go on to get a degree in History, which is almost the same.


Renee Web Tracks:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Renee Collins on All The Things Inbetween:



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