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Interview: L.A. Cotton’s Rixon Raiders Play Would You Rather?

Rixon Raiders Giveaway
Rixon Raiders Giveaway
Rixon Raiders Giveaway
Rixon Raiders Giveaway

Would you rather hear your parents do the deed or put up with Khloe hitting on the guys again? 

Jason: What the actual f*#%? Why would you ask that?
Asher: *retches* You’re triggering some serious shit here, I hope you know that.
Cameron: No way, you heard them go at it?
Asher: Dude, not cool!
Jason: Seriously, can we move on? I just can’t…

Would you rather wake up and find you had three-inch-long eyelashes or go to bed without lips? 

Asher: Oh my god, where are you getting these questions? *explodes with laughter* 

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