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Book Review: Sweet Chaos by Emery Rose

Sweet Chaos by Emery Rose
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Sweet Chaos by Emery Rose
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Title: Sweet Chaos (Love and Chaos #2)
Author: Emery Rose
Genre: Contemporary
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well, this book gets an extra star for setting me off on a Pearl Jam binge that hasn’t ended in days.

This book is sexy looking.
This book is sexy reading.
This book is sexy inside and out.

I’m from San Diego, and this book is such a devilish homage that it tickles me to review it.

Dylan St. Clair grew up never having much of any value to anyone other than his twin Remy. That is until he grew into his pretty and sexy phase, and rich trophy wives and rebellious daughters found a purpose for him. It’s easy getting lost to demons when they are the only thing that looks back at you in the mirror, and no one recognizes you for who you are anyway. At least it was like that for Dylan until an eleven-year-old girl scared him straight while he was attempting to sneak into her sister’s bedroom window. Scarlet Woods saw a broken boy when everyone else saw a tool.

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