Browse Tag by Sara Wolf
Book It

Book It – In News Today: Sara Wolf Reveals New Novel; Fear Me Not.

A note from the author of Fear Me Not:

Hey guys! Sara Wolf here. I’ve written a lot of books before Lovely Vicious, but it’s only now that I realized people might want to read them!

So I’d like to introduce FEAR ME NOT, a Young Adult Sci-Fi about aliens, and the girl who’s signed up to the feed them with her emotions, since they don’t eat regular food like we do. Victoria is a messed up girl trying to help her broken family, and Shadus is a lone-wolf alien prince with nothing to go back to. Together, they forge a friendship (and maybe more!) amid a lot of hate and racial tension. But there are people, and aliens, who’d do anything to keep them apart. It’s very much a Romeo and Juliet type of story, but with a 1960’s desegregation vibe, and space lasers, of course. I hope you enjoy it!


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Any Day That Ends In YA – Savage Delight by Sara Wolf

Savage DelightWhat is more beautiful than a sunset over the ocean or the early blooms of summer? Well some people might say the smile of their child and others might say the ruins of Angkor Wat… for me it’s the defeat of Jack Hunter. To watch the Ice Man fall is a truly a stunning thing and Sara Wolf, I give you two thumbs up and then I will find you more thumbs because you deserve a sea of them. It tickles my tickles that Savage Delight was the delightful inner feelies of a thawing Ice Prince.

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Book It, Uncategorized

Book It – In News Today: Sara Wolf Says Savage Delight Date Will Be February 10, 2014


The long awaited second book in the Lovely Vicious Series by Sara Wolf is due to be released next week, February 10, 2014. The book that originally had a release date in January had been delayed due to the fact that Isis and Jack were getting along too well and Sara had to remind them that they weren’t in fact friends. Book two continues the angst filled tale of the two most joy handicapped teenagers ever to encounter one another and it promises to deliver the snark, wit, and cleverly creative phrases of distress of Isis Blake.

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Any Day that Ends in YA – Lovely Vicious by Sara Wolf

IMG_9391OMG I am in LURVE and even if it might be skeevy AND even if it might mean serious legal issues I am going to say that I am all about asshat extraordinaire: Jack Hunter. He is the three magic things that make my tingly spots tingle in a book boyfriend. Number One: He’s a raging prick. Number Two: he’s devious. Number Three: under all the hardness and unapproachability something lives within that that tough shell that is worth a hundred Tom, Dick and whatever name is popular this year.

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