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Makin’ The Love Monday – Rules of Protection by Alison Bliss

Makin' The Love Monday - Rules of Protection by Allison BlissIf there is one thing that can seduce me more than a hot body and all the sexy times that come with it is a snappy wit and finally tuned intelligence. I guess technically that is two things but for the sake of things let’s boil it down to BRAINS. It’s great and all to have eye candy but sooner or later you are going to have to look at your piece of heiney and talk to them and if they can’t get my mental vajay-jay stoked then it rolls over falls asleep and with boredom comes the inevitable shopping for a new plaything. Smarts are what make good partners hawt, hott, OUCH… sizzle! This goes for everything. Friends, lovers, books and people who want things from me. Word to the wise: Entertain me if you want something from me. I’m playful and appreciate banter, trivia, informality and originality. If you send me an email like you are emailing the CIA, I know you’ve never visited my website.  Continue Reading


Tongue Wagger – The Last Alive by H.L. Wampler

IMG_7969This is my first Empowering Lemon Bundt Wednesday and the reference will probably be lost on most but it is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer quote from when Willow goes to join the Wicca circle at UC Sunnydale. Inspite of the tongue and cheek meaning to the comment it is meant to infer that the members have a mean amount of girl power. My Wednesday blog posts will be for books with heroines who kick serious boot-ay!

The first urban warrior to be featured is Emma Taylor, the zombie slaying survivor of an apocalypse started when her sister becomes patient zero after a mysterious bite on a family camping trip. The Last Alive is a very fast paced novel. From the first page it takes off and there are no lulls or pauses. Tension is created by an alternating look between the fortified Pittsburgh she lives in present time with flashbacks to the initial outbreak and it leaves the reader caught precariously between the panic of then and desperation of now.

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Morning Tea with the Author – H.L. Wampler

Today is an auspicious day because it is the beginning of a new addition to my blog, Morning Tea with the Author, which is a Q&A with authors about books, writing, reading and everything in the kitchen sink.

My first author is H.L. Wampler, creator of the novel The Last Alive, a horror story about a zombipocalypse that begins when her twin sister is bitten in the woods while camping and then things get really hairy.

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