Ali: Raylene I love your blog and the gallery element is fantastic. Tell me a little about Booknook Reviews.
Raylene: Thank you, Ali. That means a lot!
Booknook Reviews features reviews on some of the sexiest books found in the romance genre. My aim is to unite bookworms while supporting new a d established authors.
Ali: Bloggers have such a difficult job managing and gathering content. What do you most love to post on your blog?
Raylene: I love posting trigger warnings so I can give other readers a heads up.
Ali: My guy suggested earlier that I am in book blogging because I’m a shameless hussy for free books. What inspired you to have a review blog?
1) It was the draw of free books for me too. Hands down. Netgalley’s support articles suggested having a blog as a means to receive free books.
2) I needed something that was just mine. Not my husband’s or my son’s or my employer’s. Just mine.