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Book Reviews

Weekend Pick Me Up – A Home For Lily by Elizabeth Kelly

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00026]I need a baby! Not that kitties aren’t doing it, but you can only self medicate with kittens and baby books for so long before you begin to build up a tolerance; the yen for the actual experience burns through. God, please put a baby in my belly; you did it for Mary, you can do it for me. I know, I know… she was your girl and all, but I swear I will ride a donkey for as long as you want and turn my apartment into a barn, just give me a baby! I am in a position where David and I can not make little Jung Joon Youngs and I am #sorrynotsorry to be greedy and demanding but without your intervention the only thing that I am likely to give birth to is a novel. I love giving birth to books but babies are better to smell and nibble on.

Elizabeth, the other half of my Doc Brown Naughty Librarian Book and Writing Club, popped out this baby when I wasn’t looking. #punsarefun I saw it come through on my Amazon alerts and had to send her a message to ask her if it was her because I didn’t think she would do me like that; have a baby and not tell me. #cheappunsarefun I got her to shoot me a copy of A Home For Lily and I read it right away, because I have that whole thing I spoke about in the paragraph above, where I self medicate my need for a child with books where women get knocked up; vicarious pregnancy or pregnancy by proxy; I obviously need to up my meds.

Lily has an asshat for a husband. He’s a class ‘A’ eff-tard and it’s okay that he’s the most miserable S.O.B in the world because in the first chapter Elizabeth kills him and Lily only has to struggle with the emotional forfeiture of dignity during her years spent with Barry and the PSTD from the accident in which he died for a little while. She is a really well put together woman. Well… she was almost shmushed by Barry’s terribad passive aggressive driving that leaves her with a limpy-gimpy lame gam so I guess there is that too, but Lily is actually over Barry long before Elizabeth writes him out of the book. I really feel like Lily should have talked to Elizabeth more and told her how over Barry she was because ma-girl comes out of this boom crash pretty mentally A-FREAKING-OTAY for someone who should be a bit scarred up all over in the head! This of course is the technical summary of the first chapter of the book. If the words I’m using are too formal please seek aid from Urban Dictionary or Google. Continue Reading


Makin’ the Love Monday – Stay by Kelly Mooney

Camera 360 Makin’ this Lovin’ Twice as Nice… This is sort of like the mini-series of Monday book reviews since I’m doing two today. This is the second. I babbled in the first one so I can dive right into this one.

Stay by Kelly Mooney is a very depressing love story. I think I want to say I read it and it’s a bad book because it made me feel bad–but it is really really not a bad book, it’s a good book about a bad relationship. It’s horribly realistic and in being so it takes the shine and glory off of romance and love and makes you feel really uncomfortable because this isn’t the kind of love you dream about and want, it’s the kind of love story you have.

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