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Interviews: Cambria Hebert at ApollyCon 2019 – About Writing

OMG! Do you know who Cambria Hebert is?

Cambria Hebert is the author of seventy titles spanning nine series including bestselling novels in the series: Hashtag, Gearsharks, Take It Off, and BearPaw Resort. She has also authored many short stories such as Blank, and Whiteout. Her newest novel Mr. Fantasy was released in March, and she has an upcoming release Moth to a Flame available on Amazon for pre-order right now.

What are you doing? There are links below, GO! Buy the first in each series. Start. Reading. Now. 

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I was over the moon at Apollycon 2019 to meet one Cambria. She was sweet, funny, and willing to do a few short interviews with me. This is one in three parts, about her writing.

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