Geez, things are really complicated for Jared and Tate. Things are always complicated and intense when you are between the ages of ‘I’m in hormone hell’ and ‘Crap, I think I’m dying’. But things are really hard between these two, because they are a big hot mess of hormones, ‘I’m dying’, my-peanut-butter-hates-your-chocolate, he ripped the head off my voodoo doll, no one can hate her as much as I hate her, no one can have her–but I don’t want her, he’s not there if I don’t look at him, AND NO ONE CAN EVER LOVE HIM/HER MORE THAN I HAVE SINCE WE FIRST MET. It’s like the Magic 8 Ball as a relationship.
Does it sound like a cluster-eff of angst, drama, loathing, self destruction, and trauma? Dude… it really is a cluster-eff of angst, drama, loathing, self destruction, and trauma and worth every freaking moment! Every. Freaking. Moment. Continue Reading