Title: Curse of the Fae King (Dark Faerie Court #1)
Author: Delia E. Castel
Genre: Fantasy, Fairy Tales, Teen & YA
My rating: 5 of 5 star
A girl with the sight who knows not to tempt fae, a fae king cursed not to look like himself, an unachievable quest, and a fated love; Delia Castel has all the ingredients and whips up an excellent fantasy novel based on the Beauty and the Beast Fairy Tale.
Something you can be sure of is if there is trouble, there are fae. Neara keeps her head down because she can see the fiends, unlike the others of her village. Her father has instilled the importance of not bringing herself to their attention. She’s young and pretty, two things the fae like to collect and corrupt. So, over the years, he’s trained her into a warrior and taught her all the ways to fight the monsters.
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