Browse Category by Book It
Book It, Giveaways

He Said, She Said – Gabfest & Gossip: Melissa A. Petreshock

Name that Dragon BannerAs the 8th stop in the Name That Dragon Blog Hunt, this post contains the answer to the last post. It is your job, as the reader, to find it. Please remember your answer to this puzzle, as well as any past and future ones within this tour. You will need to know ALL the answers to enter for the chance to win the Grand Prize of a sterling silver Celtic triquetra on a 16in chain and a pre-order code.

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Book It

Book It – In News Today: Ruthie Knox Reveals Just A Bit About Last Night


Ruthie Knox is giving this excerpt release for her book About Last Night. The Adult Romance is about two people from polar sides of most things meeting in the middle to heat one another up in all the ways that romance readers love to read about most in opposites attract stories. The title is on sale this week for only 99¢ on Amazon and B&N; you should take advantage of the sweet deal before it goes away!


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Book It, Giveaways

Book It – In News Today: Jeffrey Perren Giveaway of Clonmac’s Bridge

Announcement giveaway Cliostory

Alternating from contemporary to Dark Ages Ireland and back, Clonmac’s Bridge explores the nature of discovery, the value of freedom, and the conundrums of love and work.

The novel’s medieval hero is an independent-minded builder in an age of stifling conformity. His love for individual creation is out of place in a monastery community whose Abbot views it as a sin. The story of its contemporary protagonist is a close parallel. The modern archaeologist is caught between his passion to freely explore and the machinations of those who oppose it out of envy, sloth, or cronyism.

Clonmac’s Bridge will be of interest to lovers of historical fiction, mystery, adventure, and anyone who loves a good story about heroic characters fighting mediocrity.

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Book It, Uncategorized

Book It – In News Today: Prince of Blood and Steel Chapter Release


There are so many books that seduce me by titles and covers and this is surely one of them; someone fan me because I am overheated! Prince of Blood and Steel is a New Adult Suspense/Thriller set within the backdrop of the seedy underworld of New York City’s most powerful and ruthless crime syndicates. Nazarea Andrews joins up with A.J. Elmore for this sexy dramatic novel, a must add to your ‘To Be Read’ shelf.

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Book It, Giveaways

Book It – In News Today: Ruthie Knox’s About Last Night Flash Giveaway


I was lucky enough the other night to be one of the first 40 Bloggers to reply to an InkSlinger PR email about a Ruthie Knox promotion for her new release, About Last Night. The title is on sale this week for only 99¢. But for one lucky individual you can win a free copy by simply leaving a comment and liking the post on my All The Things Inbetween Facebook page. Simple as kitten’s milk!


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Book It

Book It – In News Today: Berengaria Brown Releases The Wolf!


Berengaria Brown has just released her newest m/m Paranormal Romance from Evernight Publishing, ‘Would You Trust A Werewolf?’ This is a 34 page short story but if you have had the chance to be swept up in one of Berengaria’s stories you know that she doesn’t need to fill you up with starch and carbs when she can work you out with some palpitations and heavy breathing. Whoo, wolfboy! Is it warm in here?

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Book It

Book It – In News Today: Whiskey Kisses Cover Reveal


Whiskey Kisses, book four in the 3:AM Kisses series by author Addison Moore brings us the story of Izzy and Holt. Holt is the hot and sexy tender of sweet joyous imbibing goodness and brother of sweet joyous goodness, Bryson Edwards; you know, the dude who used to notch his conquests onto his apartment wall. In the ever increasingly small world of Whitney Briggs University, where everyone is dating, marrying or getting it hot and heavy with one another’s brothers, sisters or guardian angel, Holt manages to find his heroine in Laney’s sister, Izzy. Who needs blind dates when someone has a handy sibling? Sorry kids… My sister is off limits.

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