Title: Operation: Jade Helmet
Author: Ashley Fontainne
Genre: Christian Fiction/Suspense/Futuristic
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Not gonna lie; this book’s not my cup of tea. I read the blurb going in, and I thought it would be some great techno-thriller. At thirty percent, I was still waiting for the blurb story to kick in. I feel a little like I was ripped off.
Operation: Jade Helmet is a big story told in small snippets of times in different locations. It’s meant to encompass a global event, the end of times. We were warned, through all sorts of worldwide chaos, Global warming, and talks of one government to rule us all. Good and evil are amassing their armies, and the fight is here.
“The Clearing begins, my children.”
I did feel like there was a great deal of proselytizing and pandering done in Operation: Jade Helmet. It feeds off of many of today’s most controversial and sometimes debased conspiracies. It stokes many fires regarding social media being evil, scientific advancements playing god, and that left to themselves people are easily lead astray and indoctrinated.
For me, it’s a ‘no,’ but I know that there is an audience out there for this book. Operation: Jade Helmet will be something that moves the right reader. I just can’t forgive its superiority complex. I give it three stars because it’s not necessarily that the story is a bad one; it’s simply not a good one for me.

About Ashely Fontainne:

Award-winning and International bestselling author, Ashley Fontainne, is an avid reader, becoming a fan of the written word in her youth, starting with the Nancy Drew mystery series. Stories that immerse the reader deep into the human psyche and the monsters lurking within us are her favorite reads.
Her muse for penning the Eviscerating the Snake series was The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. Ashley’s love for this book is what sparked her desire to write her debut novel, Accountable to None, the first book in the trilogy. With a modern setting to the tale, Ashley delves into just what lengths a person is willing to go to when seeking personal justice for heinous acts perpetrated against them. The second novel in the series, Zero Balance, focuses on the cost and reciprocal cycle that obtaining revenge has on the seeker. Once the cycle starts, where does it end? How far will the tendrils of revenge expand? Adjusting Journal Entries answers that question—far and wide.
The short thriller entitled Number Seventy-Five touches upon the dangerous world of online dating. Number Seventy-Five took home the BRONZE medal in fiction/suspense at the 2013 Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards.
The paranormal thriller entitled The Lie won the GOLD medal in the 2013 Illumination Book Awards for fiction/suspense. A movie based on this book, entitled Foreseen, is currently a feature film available on video-on-demand from Amazon.
Ashley delved into the paranormal with a Southern Gothic horror/suspense novel, Growl, which released in January of 2015. The suspenseful mystery Empty Shell released in September of 2014. Ashley teamed up with Lillian Hansen (Ashley calls her Mom!) and penned a three-part murder mystery/suspense series entitled The Magnolia Series. The first book, Blood Ties, released in 2015 and was voted one of the Top 50 Self-Published Books You Should Be Reading in 2015 at www.readfree.ly.
Whispered Pain released in October of 2015, and Night Court released December 13, 2015.
Tainted Cure, Tainted Reality, Tainted Future, and Tainted World are the four books in the post-apocalyptic/zombie genre, The Rememdium Series, all released to rave reviews for a fresh take on the zombie genre.
Ruined Wings is about a young woman’s descent into drug addiction and is currently a short film. The movie is free to watch and share with others in hopes of starting a positive dialogue regarding addiction. https://ruinedwings.com/
Fatal Agreements won the 2019 Independent Audio Awards for best female narrator, Andrea Emmes.
The Legion Series ~ Many ~ Madness ~ Mayhem released in 2019-2020 and delves with the struggles people face with demonic entities.
Connect with Ashley Fontainne:
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