
Makin’ the Love Monday – Passionate by Moonbeam by Cynthia Sax

Camera 360 What the hell? Does Monday always come after the weekend? How does that happen?

I read all the books for this week on Friday. No shi–poop. And because I wasn’t so hot on this review I plan to do two Hidin’ the Salami Monday reviews today. Waiting until seven at night to write them is probably not the best idea but I was watching Wicked Attraction all day and fighting an uphill battle with some hypomania that made me disassemble and reorganize all of the organized boxes I keep things in. I’m actually a terribly orderly person. Being bipolar means that when my house is a mess my entire mood is out of control. When I should have been writing reviews… I was scanning anything I might want to back up digitally (medical records, lawyer correspondence, love letters from when D and I first met), wrapping Christmas presents, cleaning out the patio storage closet, washing dishes, cleaning out my purse, cleaning out the fridge, going through college papers I wrote, looking at family photos to scan, filing away documents and making out my will and last testament–all at the same time. BIPOLAR MUCH? And yes, I was actually writing my will.

So now I am here with nothing else going on, with the exception of me watching Kpop videos, and I’m going to chit chat about Cynthia Sax’s Alien Abduction series (aka Moonbeam series).

Laura from Ellora’s Cave sent me this book, Passionate by Moonbeam, and I had to chow down on the other three titles in the series before I could get to this one. Really that isn’t too big of a deal because these are novellas and are hella short, averaging somewhere around 85 pages a book. Of the four books I really liked the first book, Lust by Moonbeam and the third, Exposed by Moonbeam the mostest. In all fairness though after reading all four they are really just the same story over and over and over again only the color of the Silan male, the name of the two main characters and what rank they have in the Sila society changes. The rest is redundant, redundant, redundant. BUT! If you are here for the hotsauce special encounters of all orifices kind then you won’t care and it will be down and dirty erotic book reading for you that keeps coming again and again. (I’m still debating if I meant that as a pun)

PassionatePassionate by Moonbeam is the story of Fixer Vern Zajac and astrobiologist Winona Tilsdale. Winona is the best friend of the heroine of the last book, Talker Storm Nazwisko and Vern was introduced in the very first book and has spanked his monkey in all three since. When Storm contacts Win to set up something for an intergalactic event that will allow the Silans and humans to arrange an equitable trade of protection for earth in exchange for earth women (Because Mars Needs Women!) their hopes are that Vern can teach Win enough about Silan “RELATIONS” (I’m here making childish hand gestures with my pointer finger sinking into the closed fist of my other hand) to facilitate peaceful relations. The only thing is she is the queen of quack science and no one shows to her scientific discovery except her mentor and the alien enemy to the Silans. When Storm’s mate sends enforcements to fight against the attack Vern shows up to secret Win and her mentor away from harm but their limo driver doesn’t really think that Vern is dressed up for Halloween no matter how many times he might repeat it.

The Silans are a kinky group of voyeurs and throughout the series it is established that the pairs are either being videoed or just plain watched by a bystander for the sake of Silan education. In this book things differ by the fact that the voyeurs are humans, scientists who want to study Vern and his relationship with Win to determine compatibility. Whereas the other books really were looking at how the Silan society viewed earth women as mates and how important it was to learn all aspects of having a mate this book flips it on it’s lid and just makes it about how much all earth women really want a bald multicolored oversized space alien with a vibrating power peepee. I know if Amazon had those for Christmas they would sell out faster than Spam in 1942.

This book is not an amazing blow you away plot driven piece of literature but if you are looking for a sci-fi alien erotic novella it will hit the spot. It has some kink with a touch of some zestiness. I am not promising you much beyond a quick romp with a crude talking stranger from another world but if you aren’t looking for anything serious this is for you.

Cynthia Sax has a Godzillaion book series and I would be here so long that I would run out of Kpop videos to watch if I started listing them. Check out her Goodreads page to see them all. Her webpage, Amazon Author’s Page, Twitter, Ellora’s Cave Author’s Page, and Facebook.


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