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Book Review: Equilibria by Vrinda Pendred

Equilibria by Vrinda Pendred
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Equilibria by Vrinda Pendred
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Title: Equilibria
Author: Vrinda Pendred
Genre: Psychological Fiction, Dystopian Future
My rating:
4 of 5 stars

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Neuroses. Vrinda Pendred has penned what is undoubtedly a controversial young adult narrative regarding a society built on its own mental unwellness. Welcome to Equilibria where your OCD is everyone’s primary concern.

Anna Nolon has many fears, but her most current are the empty chair next to her in Maths class and a chipped nail. While one of those is a quick fix, the other requires divine intervention for resolution, only what the Great Organiser delivers is a hot mess, in direct conflict with social norms. Anna isn’t sure if Aaron King is a hawk or a pig, but she wants to be a hawk with him.

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