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Book Review: The Sea of Lost Girls by Carol Goodman

The Sea of Lost Girls by Carol Goodman
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The Sea of Lost Girls by Carol Goodman
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Title: The Sea of Lost Girls
Author: Carol Goodman
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
My rating:
4 of 5 stars

So many red herrings we must be swimming in The Sea of Lost Girls.

This fantastic book addresses entitlement breeding misbehavior, allowance, and acceptance, making it favorable. At Haywood Academy, generations of young women and girls have been upsetting the norm, causing shifts and fits, leaving them to meet or disappear from the local, and haunting Maiden Stone.

‘We make our allegories by choosing what part of the story to remember.’

The Sea of Lost Girls – Carol Goodman
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Book Reviews

Book Review: Sudden Traveler: Stories by Sarah Hall

Sudden Traveler by Sarah Hall
Sudden Traveler by Sarah Hall
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Title: Sudden Traveler: Stories
Author: Sarah Hall
Genre: Short Stories

Publisher: HarperCollins
My rating:
5 of 5 stars

I received this ARC from TLC Book Tours in exchange for an honest review.

Sudden Traveler is a beautiful collection of short stories interwoven by the delicately threaded narrative that speaks the language of feminine identity. Each story is an exploration of the essence of female embodiment. Not focusing on sex as gender but rather the classification, agency, violation, sorority, disambiguate, and celebration of what makes a being a woman.

These short stories range in tone by the narrator of each tale. Written in a way that a mother might tell her daughter or a sister to her own; every story is told as one would hear them mouth to ear. Spoken. Some of the voices are broken and distant as they describe the defilement of their innocence. Other voices burn with fervor as the woman is forged into a weapon of her defense. And some are the soft murmurs of affection, if not acceptance.

‘The greatest betrayal of all is to disaffiliate’

The Grotesques
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