Title: The Segonian (Aldebarian Alliance #2)
Author: Dianne Duvall
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Can you go wrong with a Dianne Duvall novel? In my experience, it hasn’t happened yet.
The second book in the Aldebarian Alliance series, The Segonian, picks at the point in The Lasaran where they are attacked. And don’t worry, no tension is lost in the continuity. Dianne Duvall quickly gets our hearts pumping. Our girl Eliana is stranded in space with a few hours’ worths of oxygen while her rescue, the Ranasura, is weeks away. Commander Dagon and his crew quickly are falling for the charm of Eliana as they check in with her, sadly knowing that there is no chance they will arrive in time.
Thank Gathendians for the one positive thing they did was create the virus released on Earth that makes Eliana an Immortal Guardian. The only reason she could survive the weeks in deep space.
‘Hi, I’m Eliana, thank you for saving me.’ – Eliana
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