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Book Reviews

Tongue Wagger – Red Moon Rising by Elizabeth Kelly

RMR_667x1000If this were a TV show they would say this is the spin-off series from the original book Red Moon. Red Moon is about Avery and Tristan… let’s take just a moment to wipe our chins and settle our fluttering hearts and possibly fluttering loins at the very thought of Tristan Williams. I know that he is still giving me an afterglow even though it has been months since I got to read his sweaty doings. Phew!!! Goodness me, Elizabeth… how do you keep yourself from developing a huge ego knowing that you created such loveliness? If I were you I would just sit alone with my imaginary friends all day long and preen at my clever, naughty mind and the men it creates.

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Book It, Word Slinger Project

Book It – In News Today: Elizabeth Kelly Reveals Dark Moon Cover

Dark Moon - Elizabeth Kelly Cover RevealElizabeth Kelly has revealed the cover to her new Red Moon Second Generation novel, Dark Moon, along with it’s synopsis. The novel, which tells the story of Sophia–Tristan’s natural daughter who was adopted by Avery–and her mate Kadan who is brother to James’ mate Bree; keeping it all in the ever growing Williams pack. This promises to be a really great angsty love story since we all know from Red Moon Rising that Kadan is a big ol’ hater of lycans and yet he didn’t let that bother him too much when he let Sophia ride his horse. –Note: There truly is no euphemism there. Expected release date is May 2014. Continue Reading


Makin’ The Love Monday – Scent of a Mate by Milly Taiden

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00068]Something smells good and I’m not so sure that it is my downstairs neighbor’s barbecue. This Makin’ the Love Monday is all about a man who isn’t afraid to stick his nose in his woman’s butt.

Did everyone else just hear a noise similar to that of a chorus of romance readers saying, “Huh?” Yeah, I heard it too. Let me allay your fears and theirs… this isn’t what you might be thinking.

I’m giving Milly Taiden a high five. Hell, I’m giving her two. I don’t know why I like shifter books, I just do. And Scent of a Mate was like sweet tea on a hot summer day. PERFECT. I might have a few points to pick later on regarding the convenience with the mates in the entire Sexy Four… but Aric and Jordan, give me a happy. And the butt sniffing is merely a formality.

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