Browse Tag by Kimberley B Jones
Book Reviews, Coming of Age, Social Justice, YA Fiction

Book Review: Our Friendship Matters by Kimberley B. Jones

Our Friendship Matters by Kimberley B. Jones
Our Friendship Matters by Kimberley B. Jones
Our Friendship Matters by Kimberley B. Jones
Our Friendship Matters by Kimberley B. Jones

Title: Our Friendship Matters
Author: Kimberley B. Jones
Genre: YA Coming of Age, Social Justice
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Our Friendship Matters is one of those coming of age books that should be in every school library.

Sasha is a black girl from a middle-class St Louis suburb. Her dad is a lawyer, her mom is a doctor, and they send her to the hoighty-toighty Chester Christian Academy. Sasha’s best friend is filthy rich, Leah is a stuck-up white girl with a mean streak a mile wide, but Sasha adores her and puts up with her because that’s what you do until the shark turns on you.

Some of the sly statements in this book:
Money is opportunity.
Money is resources.
Money gives you the ability to look the other way.
Money allows you the option to remain ignorant.
Money means you can celebrate frivolity during a revolution.
Money means you can drive away from a nightmare–but it might follow you in your dreams.

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