Browse Tag by Jasinda Wilder

Tongue Wagger – Forever & Always by Jasinda Wilder

Forever and AlwaysI’m writing reviews while uploading back ups to my cloud storage, watching My Strange Addiction (This woman is drinking nail polish. HARDCORE!), I’m replying to emails and trying to stretch out the sore muscles of my shoulders and neck because I slept for forty trillion million hours and I feel like my body atrophied. This is the mind of hypomanic bipolar dynamo. Watch out guys and gals, I am gonna getchu getchu getchu. One way or another… I just totally channeled Blondie.

This was my first introduction to Jasinda Wilder and I found this book to sit somewhere between utterly compelling and disturbingly dark and troubling. Truthfully, I am not sure if I like it. I have no idea how I feel about it. There are things I know I know I thought were great plot wise, but the story as a whole… I just don’t know.

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