Browse Tag by Humor

Tongue Wagger – Grace Unexpected by Gale Martin

Do you need a hug? Is your pint of B&J’s bringing you closer to rock bottom rather than giving you loving comfort? Don’t cry in your Chunky Monkey. This is the perfect book to chase the blues away. Grace Unexpected by Gale Martin might just be one of the most smart and funniest books I’ve read in sometime. It’s chock-a-block with lighthearted wit that warm the cockles of your heart and maybe even leave you tittering out loud and claiming early incontinence.

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Makin’ the Love Monday – The Sum of All Kisses by Julia Quinn

Camera 360 I have loved Julia Quinn since I picked up Everything and the Moon from a grocery store as a break from reading medical/science based true story novels back in the late 90’s. At the time I was super fascinated by parasites and epidemics and I had been reading about plagues through various civilizations when I deviated into Julia Quinn world. The eclectic charm of her characters hooked me and I’ve remained a faithful fan since (although my interest in the decline of man via pestilence ran it’s course).

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