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Book Review: Wallflower Wager by Tessa Dare

The Wallflower Wager by Tessa Dare
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The Wallflower Wager by Tessa Dare
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Title: The Wallflower Wager (Girl Meets Duke #3)
Author: Tessa Dare
Genre: Historical Romance
My rating: 5 of 5 Stars

Le sigh.

Tessa Dare is my ultimate book girlfriend. I met her once at an author and reader event and made a real dork of myself fangirling about her books as if she had never read them. I’m reasonably sure I didn’t have to supply the full name to my favorite hero of hers, Colin Sandhurst, but just in case. And now I have another book babe to gush and embarrass myself over should I ever reencounter Miss Dare, Mr. Gabriel Duke; the prickly industrialist who ruins the aristocracy just for the mighty pound sterling.

If you have encountered Tessa Dare in the past, you will know that she loves strong, sassy female characters who have keen minds and unique skills and talents. Penny is only a member of the ton the way a platypus is a duck, by some silly word association and familial rumor. Penny is far more likely to be seen with a platypus than she is in a ballroom.

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