This is a short story in the Cyborg Sizzle series telling the story of Green, Shelby and the wilting Windy. Back in Releasing Rage it was established that Green’s best friend was his plant Windy and she had saved him when he was at his lowest. Green was concerned because she was in need of repair. After being threatened to be jettisoned into space, a shuttling that she survived, Windy has been suffering a speedy extinction. Continue Reading
What the hell? Does Monday always come after the weekend? How does that happen?
I read all the books for this week on Friday. No shi–poop. And because I wasn’t so hot on this review I plan to do two Hidin’ the Salami Monday reviews today. Waiting until seven at night to write them is probably not the best idea but I was watching Wicked Attraction all day and fighting an uphill battle with some hypomania that made me disassemble and reorganize all of the organized boxes I keep things in. I’m actually a terribly orderly person. Being bipolar means that when my house is a mess my entire mood is out of control. When I should have been writing reviews… I was scanning anything I might want to back up digitally (medical records, lawyer correspondence, love letters from when D and I first met), wrapping Christmas presents, cleaning out the patio storage closet, washing dishes, cleaning out my purse, cleaning out the fridge, going through college papers I wrote, looking at family photos to scan, filing away documents and making out my will and last testament–all at the same time. BIPOLAR MUCH? And yes, I was actually writing my will.