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New Release: Be My Brayshaw by Meagan Brandy

Be My Brayshaw by Meagan Brandy
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Be My Brayshaw by Meagan Brandy
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Title: Be My Brayshaw (Brayshaw #4)
Author: Meagan Brandy
Genre: Romance
Release Date:
03 June 2020


“Cross one, cross all.”

That’s the Brayshaw way.
She should have realized this before sliding into our world with secrets too big to bury.
She didn’t and now the target is on her back.
The day her lies came crashing down, I should have forced her out.
Instead, I locked her in, and with the promise I would never be hers.
I resisted, fought against us.
I caved.
I tasted what became my newfound favorite flavor and fell hard for the little liar.
But then the depth of her treachery reveals itself, and with it a reminder.
Our town is a twisted place, and with truth comes trouble.
In the blink of an eye, my world is split at its core, and I’m faced with an impossible decision, one that leads to a single outcome…


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