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Book Review: Awful Curse by Elena Monroe

Awful Curse by Elena Monroe
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Awful Curse by Elena Monroe
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Title: Awful Curse (Celestial Bodies #1)
Author: Elena Monroe
Genre: Romance
My rating:
3 of 5 stars

Being a douche is an Awful Curse, and Bolton Cadoc is the King of the affliction, crowned royalty of the Douchedom. There are anti-heroes, and then there are just dudes you can’t like. I can’t like him. Thankfully the other characters make up for it, and his best friend, Nyx, is the kind of jerkface I would date. There is no accounting for my youthful choices in guys, though. 

What happens when you keep burning bridges? Your dad keeps shipping you into more desperate places. The latest location Arianna’s father has sent her is Arcadia Prep. A place where she is surrounded by all the people she would never rub elbows with. Her roommate Luna is more motherly that she’s encountered in all her previous homes. And the guy she’s obsessed with loves to hate her–bad choices in guys is something she does have some experience with but this is a new low. 

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