For the NEW YEAR (Don’t ask why I felt the need to cap that) I am going to try something new on All The Things Inbetween and once a week all year I am going to feature an up and coming Indie Author so they can get a little bit more face time and maybe a couple more clicks to their website, a few more GR readers checking the synopsis of their books and a few more of their books a sellin’ wherever they might be sold.
Well, Ali–how are you going to try to do this?
I have an idea of how I want to format it out and I’d like to invite ANY Indie Author, all genres apply, interested to contact me to set it up. Utterly painless (other than that bit where you give me your soul and 40lbs of coffee).
There is another side of this shiny new feature, once I post these Indie Author pages, I am going to include the normal links to social media sites and websites as well as any new releases the author let’s me know is coming up. I will try to keep (as well as I can because this may morph into a poop can at a later date) links to that author’s reviews from other book review blogs. So if you have a book blog and you see I am featuring and author and you would like me to crosslink to you at the start it would be simple and you would either send me a message here or leave it as a comment in the post on this FB page. I am also open to talk about putting other blog badges on my site to advertise to blogs who are interested in supporting All The Things Inbetween.
You can see how at some point that might become a monster, I’m sure. While it’s manageable I would certainly like to try it.
If you have any desire to become part of this please leave a message below. So if you self-publish your own books and you would like the opportunity to have your face on the heading of page on my blog now is your chance!
And just to give any authors or bloggers out there an idea of the traffic I have coming to my blog so you can figure out if you are interested…My blog gets about 2600 pageviews a week so I’m not a huge site but I can help you out.
Contact me at
(Follow all the updates for this blog by visiting and liking the All The Things Inbetween Facebook fanpage. You can also add Google+ All The Things Inbetweenpage. You can follow me personally on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram andGoodreads.)