Title: The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel
Author: K.T. Rose
Genre: Supernatural Horror
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
If you are looking for something in the vein of Darcy Coates you might pick up K.T. Rose’s The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel. Pulling from haunted house lore and pure horror fiction, this book is meant to take the ugly in human beings and punish those sinners ala the highway to hell style.
Riley is just trying to eek by. She’s doing her best to fake it until she makes it as she recovers from her son’s tragic death while dealing with the daily pressure of an overzealous boyfriend bent on commitment. She’s rather shocked to receive a private request to handle an overnight catering request as a server. Riley desperately needs the money.
To name drop some other things to give you an idea of what you might feel reading this book, imagine a little American Horror Story: Hotel. Some Shirley Jackson-esque moments of mental mindscrewery. And an all-out drag out between good and evil. But after all, that is the point.
Recommended for Horror Fiction fans.

About K.T. Rose:

K.T. Rose is a horror, thriller, and dark fiction writer from Detroit, Michigan. She posts suspense and horror flash fiction on her blog at kyrobooks.com and is the author of a suspenseful short story series titled Trinity of Horror, an erotic thriller novel titled When We Swing, and A Dark Web Horror Series. She also writes supernatural and paranormal horror novels and short stories.
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