Title: Athena’s Choice
Author: Adam Boostrom
Genre: YA Sci-fi, Dystopian
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
You have those reads where they are great–BUT! This book has a BUT in it, and I think it’s what doesn’t work for me.
Athena Vosh is an average nineteen-year-old girl struggling with things like her relationship with her girlfriend Nomi and getting her art displayed in a gallery. She treats her mother well, and she’s an exemplary citizen.
She hides the fact that she is fascinated with the idea of bringing back men; since most seem to believe that the Y-Fever was a good thing, and society is better for it now, as a sisterhood. Athena keeps her drawings of the male form from the eyes of everyone, including Nomi. That is until her dreams become enigmatic and prophetic and lead her to the Core, their world’s great processor of information and database–who leaves her with more questions than answers.
Adam Boostrom does fantastic world-building of a ‘Women-First’ social stratum–where the Y-Fever slowly picks off males and any females with Y the gene. I enjoyed the concept of an interweaving of technological advancement with emotional wellbeing, BUT I felt that the author balanced all the science with the modern Christian religion and biblical reference that it kept the story stunted. AND Being told the definition of feminism by a man is patronizing AF. I can’t tell you how much Adam Boostrom devalued his story when I read his explanation of feminism out of a female character’s mouth.
Still, this book has a lot of real-estate to enjoy.
Please beware of the formatting; I found all the Wikipedia entries and reference materials distracting. I put the book on audio and had my Alexa read it. To me, the format was annoying.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary advance copy of this book.
About Adam Boostrom:
Adam Boostrom is a best-selling author and entrepreneur. He formerly attended the University of Chicago as a national merit scholar and currently attends the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business. Prior to the completion of his award-winning first novel, “Athena’s Choice,” he enjoyed a successful career in bond trading. Today, he works as the CFO for Dispatch Goods, an impact startup he founded along with fellow Berkeley students.
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