I don’t generally go too far afield of the genres I self medicate with and it means I miss out on thousands of truly incredible novels. I think the truly ironic thing about my narrow reading choices is that when I watch Netflix–and this is very rarely done–all I ever watch is action movies, crime shows and true crime shows about murderers and people who get beefed. I have the scariest Joss Whedonesque morbid enjoyment of a good death than most people could even conceive. So it’s rather chuckle-able that when I am reading it’s all hot breathing, skin against skin, and flowers and chocolates.
When Khalid Muhammad sent me his message to be part of Word Slinger Project I was thirsty to read his book but unsure as to how I would feel about it… I shouldn’t have been. I should have been worried about how much money I’d be pouring into Amazon looking for another lethal Kamal.