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Book It, Word Slinger Project

Book It – In News Today: Elizabeth Kelly Reveals Dark Moon Cover

Dark Moon - Elizabeth Kelly Cover RevealElizabeth Kelly has revealed the cover to her new Red Moon Second Generation novel, Dark Moon, along with it’s synopsis. The novel, which tells the story of Sophia–Tristan’s natural daughter who was adopted by Avery–and her mate Kadan who is brother to James’ mate Bree; keeping it all in the ever growing Williams pack. This promises to be a really great angsty love story since we all know from Red Moon Rising that Kadan is a big ol’ hater of lycans and yet he didn’t let that bother him too much when he let Sophia ride his horse. –Note: There truly is no euphemism there. Expected release date is May 2014. Continue Reading

Book It, Giveaways

Book It – In News Today: Cover Reveal Laurel Ulen Curtis’ Secret Alpha!

Secret Alpha BannerLaurel Ulen Curtis flips the story that she told with her A Is For Alpha Male book and in Secret Alpha she gets to tell Dan’s side of the story. The first book in the series was the Chick-Lit Romance about Haley Whitfield and her mother Allison who decide to take a road trip in search of the perfect Alpha Males. This novel is the alternative version much in the vein of Walking Disaster was to Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire.

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Book It, Giveaways

Book It – In News Today: Alyssa Rose Ivy Reveals Cover For Search

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Alyssa Rose Ivy continues her Empire Chronicles with her newest title Search. The first book–Soar–brought back beloved character Jared and villain Toby from the first series Crescent Chronicles. This title will pick up where the first novel left off with Casey’s divided heart and the continued struggle between Pteron testosterone laden featherheaded dudes who always have to fight over the same girl.

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Book It, Giveaways

Book It – In News Today – M. Mabie Fades In New Release

FadeInFBBannerM. Mabie’s new release Fade In is just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. This Contemporary Romance between TV show writer, Tatum Elliot and hunky assistant, Ben Harris is the perfect read for a little love revelry when we are all getting a little fuzzy vision from a little too many Jager Bombs and green beer. I have never had too many Jager bombs to the point where I became so inebriated that I became completely blinded by drink and cried for my mom. That never happened to me… there are no pics to prove such a thing ever occurred.

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Book It

Book It – In News Today: You Need A Need So Insatiable!

A Need So Insatiable Release Day

CeCe Robert rocks socks with this new New Adult/Adult Romance and it is so, so sexy, sizzle, slam dunk in the sheets that it will burn your fingertips while you compulsively turn pages! Sophie and Rafael will quickly become one of your favorite couples and their story will crawl into your dreams–or at least that was my issue last night. You will swoon, pant and fan yourself for this naughty broken hero and want to raise your glass for this kickass heroine! Go buy this new release, you are not allowed to do anything else until you do it! Hey! Where are you goin’?! I said not allowed to do anything else! Get your ass to Amazon!


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Book It, Giveaways

Book It – In News Today – Prepare to Be Insatiable!


Cecilia Robert’s long awaited New Adult Romance is due to be released in a short few days. The novel, A Need So Insatiable, is the love story between Sophie Fisher and passionate musician Rafael Van Rees. As Cecilia’s romantic style has attested to in her previous books her love stories are filled with deep devotion and undeniable attraction with a sweetest hint of sorrow to ground the lovers in the realm of here and now. A Need So Insatiable will be a book you will be telling your friends about!

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